A Jekyll plugin to make front matter optional for Markdown files
Out of the box, Jekyll requires that any markdown file have YAML front matter (key/value pairs separated by two sets of three dashes) in order to be processed and converted to HTML.
While that behavior may be helpful for large, complex sites, sometimes it's easier to simply add a plain markdown file and have it render without fanfare.
This plugin does just that. Any Markdown file in your site's source will be treated as a Page and rendered as HTML, even if it doesn't have YAML front matter.
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem 'jekyll-optional-front-matter'
$ bundler install
$ # Install in your user's home directory.
$ gem install jekyll-optional-front-matter --user-install
$ # Install for root user.
$ sudo gem install jekyll-optional-front-matter
- jekyll-optional-front-matter
Note: If you are using a Jekyll version less than 3.5.0, use the gems
key instead of plugins
In order to preserve backwards compatibility, the plugin does not recognize a short list of common meta files.
If you want Markdown files like your README, CONTRIBUTING file, CODE_OF_CONDUCT, or LICENSE, etc., you'll need to explicitly add YAML front matter to the file, or add it to your config's list of include
files, e.g.:
You can configure this plugin in _config.yml
by adding to the optional_front_matter
By default the original markdown files will be included as static pages in the output. To remove them from the output, set the remove_originals
key to true
remove_originals: true
Even if the plugin is enabled (e.g., via the :jekyll_plugins
group in your Gemfile) you can disable it by adding the following to your site's config:
enabled: false
任何包含 YAML front matter 块的文件都将由Jekyll作为特殊文件进行处理。front matter 必须是文件中的第一个内容,并且必须采用在三条虚线之间设置的有效YAML的形式。以下是一个基本示例: --- layout: post title: Blogging Like a Hacker --- 在这三条虚线之间,您可以设置预定义的变量(请参阅下面的参考),甚至可以创建自
在本章中,让我们研究如何在Drupal中创建Front Page 。 如果您的网站上有良好的内容并希望访问者首先看到该特定内容,那么该文章必须位于首页。 Drupal为此提供了解决方案。 以下是用于创建Drupal Front Page的简单步骤。 Step 1 - 单击Content ,如以下屏幕所示。 Step 2 - 屏幕上弹出文章和页面列表。 单击edit链接,如以下屏幕所示。 Step
Front-matter 是文件最上方以 --- 分隔的区域,用于指定个别文件的变量,举例来说: --- title: Hello World date: 2013/7/13 20:46:25 --- 以下是预先定义的参数,您可在模板中使用这些参数值并加以利用。 参数 描述 默认值 layout 布局 config.default_layout title 标题 文章的文件名 date 建立日期
API front是 HTTP API 前端,可进行请求代理转发、协议抓包分析、流量复制。 用于解决如下问题: HTTP API大行其道,开发调试(特别是联调)花费的时间、人力成本很高。 后端的API调用是一个黑盒,特别是有问题的时候,基本是抓瞎(目前一般是把请求信息记录到日志中去)。 线下联调测试环境复杂多变,配置文件经常变动,经常其中一个环境好了另外一个又坏了。 两种典型应用场景: API 输
⚠️ Relocation warning This repository has been relocated to the new organization Kaleidos Ventures where the team will continue developing Taiga. Please, follow us and contribute on the new location.
项目开始 BEGIN 项目说明 基于 React16.x、Ant Design4.x,react-admin 目录结构 ├── config // 项目构建配置├── public // 不参与构建的静态文件├── scripts // 构建脚本├── src│ ├── assets // 全项目通用
WeBASE-Front是和FISCO BCOS节点配合使用的一个子系统,需要和节点统计部署,目前支持FISCO BCOS 2.0以上版本,可通过HTTP请求和节点进行通信,集成了web3jsdk,对接口进行了封装和抽象,具备可视化控制台,可以在控制台上查看交易和区块详情,开发智能合约,管理私钥,并对节点健康度进行监控和统计。