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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 朱浩大
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知


Junior is a blog/portfolio theme for Jekyll, the static site generator. It's designed and developed by @jonobelotti_IO.

See Junior in action with the demo site.



  • Blog/Technical posts, with support for code syntax highlighting, LaTeX markup, images, footnotes, and font color-highlighting
  • 'Portfolio' section, which emphasises large-image content
  • Markdown resumé, with support for fast and easy PDF printing
  • Connects to your Github profile via their API, in order to display open-source work
  • RSS Feed
  • Contact page, with anti-spam protection
  • Smooth CSS transition elements, and a nice B&W theme


Note: These images may be outdated. See http://juniortheme.live/ for latest version of theme

Landing Page

Dropdown Menu

Example Blog Post


Attractive, no-fuss resumé page that includes a PDF-print link (right) with CSS configured to ensure fidelity between screen and paper page.

Open Source Showcase

Connects, using Github's API, with your public profile and pulls your projects (ordered by Stars). Coming soon, you will also be able to showcase significant PRs. Tag colours are also matched to the project's Github language colour-coding.

Project Portfolio Visual Showcase

Project Page




1. Install dependencies

Poole is built on Jekyll and uses its built-in SCSS compiler to generate our CSS. Before getting started, you'll need to install the Jekyll gem:

$ gem install jekyll

Windows users: Windows users have a bit more work to do, but luckily @juthilo has your back with his Run Jekyll on Windows guide.

Need syntax highlighting? Junior includes support for Pygments or Rouge, so install your gem of choice to make use of the built-in styling. Read more about this in the Jekyll docs.

2a. Quick start

To help anyone with any level of familiarity with Jekyll quickly get started, Junior includes everything you need for a basic Jekyll site. To that end, just download Junior and start up Jekyll.

2b. Roll your own Jekyll site

Folks wishing to use Jekyll's templates and styles can do so with a little bit of manual labor. Download Junior and then copy what you need (likely _layouts/, *.html files, atom.xml for RSS, and public/ for CSS, JS, etc.).

3. Running locally

To see your Jekyll site with Junior applied, start a Jekyll server. In Terminal, from /junior-theme (or whatever your Jekyll site's root directory is named):

> jekyll serve # You might need "bundle exec jekyll serve"

Open http://localhost:4000 in your browser, and voilà.

4. Serving it up

If you host your code on GitHub, you can use GitHub Pages to host your project.

  1. Fork this repo and switch to the gh-pages branch.
  2. If you're using a custom domain name, modify the CNAME file to point to your new domain.
  3. If you're not using a custom domain name, modify the baseurl in _config.yml to point to your GitHub Pages URL. Example: for a repo at github.com/username/junior, use http://username.github.io/junior/. Be sure to include the trailing slash.
  4. Done! Head to your GitHub Pages URL or custom domain.

No matter your production or hosting setup, be sure to verify the baseurl option file and CNAME settings. Not applying this correctly can mean broken styles on your site.


Google Analytics

In _config.yml the option google_analytics: is left blank if you don't want to use Google Analytics. Add true if you want to use it, and replace [[[TRACKING ID HERE]]] with your "Tracking ID". You can get one of those for your new site here.

Rems, font-size, and scaling

Junior is built almost entirely with rems (instead of pixels). rems are like ems, but instead of building on the immediate parent's font-size, they build on the root element, <html>.

By default, we use the following:

html {
  font-size: 16px;
  line-height: 1.5;
@media (min-width: 38em) {
  html {
    font-size: 20px;

To easily scale your site's typography and components, simply customize the base font-sizes here.


Junior has two branches, but only one is used for active development.

  • master for development. All pull requests should be to submitted against master. Cheers
  • gh-pages for the hosted site, which includes analytics tracking code. Please avoid using this branch.

CSS is handled via Jeykll's built-in Sass compiler. Source Sass files are located in _sass/, included into styles.scss, and compile to styles.css.


bundle exec jekyll serve


  • Pixyll theme was used as a base for development of this theme.
  • Junior.IO's website design served as inspiration for this theme's look.


Open sourced under the MIT license.

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