A Jekyll version of the "Forty" theme by HTML5 UP.
For those unfamiliar with how Jekyll works, check out jekyllrb.com for all the details,or read up on just the basics of front matter, writing posts,and creating pages.
secret not being set. Got to the workflow run and click "re-run all workflows". This time it should succeed._config.yml
file!NOTE: GitHub Actions is required to deploy to GitHub Pages because GitHub refuses to update their version of Jekyll.
and it works!_config.yml
to set whether the homepage tiles should pull pages or posts, as well as how many to display._config.yml
. Only social profiles buttons you enter in config.yml
show up on the site footer!Original README from HTML5 UP:
Forty by HTML5 UP
html5up.net | @ajlkn
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license)
This is Forty, my latest and greatest addition to HTML5 UP and, per its incredibly
creative name, my 40th (woohoo)! It's built around a grid of "image tiles" that are
set up to smoothly transition to secondary landing pages (for which a separate page
template is provided), and includes a number of neat effects (check out the menu!),
extra features, and all the usual stuff you'd expect. Hope you dig it!
Demo images* courtesy of Unsplash, a radtastic collection of CC0 (public domain) images
you can use for pretty much whatever.
(* = not included)
aj@lkn.io | @ajlkn
Demo Images:
Unsplash (unsplash.com)
Font Awesome (fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome)
jQuery (jquery.com)
html5shiv.js (@afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem)
background-size polyfill (github.com/louisremi)
Misc. Sass functions (@HugoGiraudel)
Respond.js (j.mp/respondjs)
Skel (skel.io)
Repository Jekyll logo icon licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Jekyll 是一个简单的免费的Blog生成工具,类似WordPress。但是和WordPress又有很大的不同,原因是jekyll只是一个生成静态网页的工具,不需要数据库支持。但是可以配合第三方服务,例如discuz。最关键的是jekyll可以免费部署在Github上,而且可以绑定自己的域名。 快速安装指令: gem install jekylljekyll new my-awesome-sit
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jekyll-admin 是一个 jekyll 插件,为用户提供了传统 CMS(内容管理系统)风格的图形化界面来创作内容和管理 jekyll 网站。 该项目分为两部分。基于 Ruby 的 HTTP API 处理 jekyll 和文件系统的操作部分,以及在这个 API 基础上的基于 JavaScript 的前端部分。 安装: 就像安装其他插件一样,请参阅 jekyll 文档的插件安装部分安装 jek
Jekyll的增强版,使用Markdown来写日志。 Jekyll采用静态文件方式管理,不需要数据库即可支持一个独立博客站点,在github-pages平台上被普遍采用。Jekyll-Bootstrap在Jekyll基础上,集成了twitter-bootstrap界面风格和一些实用的插件,并且易于扩展。
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jekyll-katex This is a Jekyll plugin for performing compile-time math rendering via the KaTeX library.KaTeX is a library for rending math on the web using LaTeX, similar to MathJax. KaTeX differs from