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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 董良策
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知

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Newsletter: Stay in Touch for Future Updates

If you are a webdesigner interested in Jekyll, the static website generator, this little newsletter is for you. I share tutorials, clever code snippets and information about my own Jekyll Themes called Feeling Responsive and Simplicity. Please don't expect weekly emails :)

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A Responsive Jekyll Theme: Feeling Responsive

Do you want to get to know Feeling Responsive? Than check it out first and have a look on its home at http://phlow.github.io/feeling-responsive/.

To get to know Feeling Responsive check out all the features explained in the documentation.

And what license is Feeling Responsive released under? This one.

Why use this theme?

Feeling Responsive is heavily customizable.

  1. Language-Support :)
  2. Optimized for speed and it's responsive.
  3. Built on Foundation Framework.
  4. Six different Headers.
  5. Customizable navigation, footer,...

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Feeling Responsive is in active development. Thank you to everyone who contributed, especially Róbert Papp, Alexandra von Criegern and Juan Jose Amor Iglesias.

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Video Tutorial

Click the image to watch the YouTube-Video-Tutorial.

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  • bashed-on-a-feeling a minimalistic and moderately fast git prompt written in bash inspiration from the terminalparty theme of OMZ and the need for a minimalistic "git" prompt for version control , wer

  • 本文向大家介绍说说响应式设计(responsive design)和自适应设计(adaptive design)的区别?相关面试题,主要包含被问及说说响应式设计(responsive design)和自适应设计(adaptive design)的区别?时的应答技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 responsive design 同代碼 adaptive design 不同代碼

  • 如何对反应流管道进行错误处理。喜欢 应用程序错误处理(例如:errorChannel) 系统错误处理(使用DLQ、再处理等) 当前文档仅描述了非反应性管道的错误处理。https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-stream/docs/Fishtown.BUILD-SNAPSHOT/reference/htmlsingle/#_application_error_hand

  • 我正在使用Spring Data Elasticsearch来获取一些聚合,并尝试使用ReactiveElasticsearchClient。我从Elasticsearch得到一个500错误,但我不知道如何获得响应的主体,以便调试请求的错误。以下是我目前掌握的情况: 为组织启用跟踪日志记录。springframework。数据elasticsearch。客户WIRE,将记录请求正文,但响应的日志行

  • 我使用的是spring数据。下面是我的配置类。我的期望是,当spring boot应用程序加载时,它必须连接到Cassandra并创建密钥空间。但我的应用程序能够连接到Cassandra,但它没有创建密钥空间。我在启动时收到以下异常。如果我遗漏了什么,请告诉我。 通过构造函数参数5表示的未满足依赖关系;嵌套的异常是org。springframework。豆。工厂BeanCreationExcept

  • Web是用来通过互联网分享信息的,从早期的电脑,发展到现在形形色色的移动智能终端,都需要能浏览这些信息。这给网页设计和技术实现在适配各种屏幕尺寸(分辨率)上提出了很大的挑战。 移动设备通常要比电脑的屏幕小很多,一套以电脑分辨率和视觉效果为蓝本的设计,显然不能满足要求。那么我们该怎么处理移动端的展示呢?通常我们有3种选择: 让用户自己调整页面大小和位置来阅读网页的不同部分乃至屏幕外的部分。 创建一个



