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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 司马奇希
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Mock components, services and more out of annoying dependencies for simplification of Angular testing

ng-mocks facilitates Angular testing and helps to:

  • mock Components, Directives, Pipes, Modules, Services and Tokens
  • reduce boilerplate in tests
  • access declarations via simple interface

The current version of the library has been tested and can be used with:

Angular ng-mocks Jasmine Jest Ivy
13 latest yes yes yes
12 latest yes yes yes
11 latest yes yes yes
10 latest yes yes yes
9 latest yes yes yes
8 latest yes yes
7 latest yes yes
6 latest yes yes
5 latest yes yes

Important links

Very short introduction

Global configuration for mocks in src/test.ts.In case of jest, src/setupJest.ts should be used.

// All methods in mock declarations and providers
// will be automatically spied on their creation.
// https://ng-mocks.sudo.eu/extra/auto-spy
ngMocks.autoSpy('jasmine'); // or jest

// ngMocks.defaultMock helps to customize mocks
// globally. Therefore, we can avoid copy-pasting
// among tests.
// https://ng-mocks.sudo.eu/api/ngMocks/defaultMock
ngMocks.defaultMock(AuthService, () => ({
  isLoggedIn$: EMPTY,
  currentUser$: EMPTY,

An example of a spec for a profile edit component.

// Let's imagine that there is a ProfileComponent
// and it has 3 text fields: email, firstName,
// lastName, and a user can edit them.
// In the following test suite, we would like to
// cover behavior of the component.
describe('profile', () => {
  // First of all, we would like to reuse the same
  // TestBed in every test.
  // ngMocks.faster suppresses reset of TestBed
  // after each test and allows to use TestBed,
  // MockBuilder and MockRender in beforeAll.
  // https://ng-mocks.sudo.eu/api/ngMocks/faster

  // Let's declare TestBed in beforeAll
  // instead of beforeEach.
  // The code mocks everything in SharedModule
  // and provides a mock AuthService.
  beforeAll(() => {
    return TestBed.configureTestingModule({
      imports: [
        MockModule(SharedModule), // mock
        ReactiveFormsModule, // real
      declarations: [
        MockComponent(AvatarComponent), // mock
        ProfileComponent, // real
      providers: [
        MockProvider(AuthService), // mock

  // A test to ensure that ProfileComponent
  // can be created.
  it('should be created', () => {
    // MockRender is an advanced version of
    // TestBed.createComponent.
    // It respects all lifecycle hooks,
    // onPush change detection, and creates a
    // wrapper component with a template like
    // <app-root ...allInputs></profile>
    // https://ng-mocks.sudo.eu/api/MockRender
    const fixture = MockRender(ProfileComponent);


  // A test to ensure that the component listens
  // on ctrl+s hotkey.
  it('saves on ctrl+s hot key', () => {
    // A fake profile.
    const profile = {
      email: 'test2@email.com',
      firstName: 'testFirst2',
      lastName: 'testLast2',

    // A spy to track save calls.
    // MockInstance helps to configure mock
    // providers, declarations and modules
    // before their initialization and usage.
    // https://ng-mocks.sudo.eu/api/MockInstance
    const spySave = MockInstance(

    // Renders <profile [profile]="params.profile">
    // </profile>.
    // https://ng-mocks.sudo.eu/api/MockRender
    const { point } = MockRender(
      { profile }, // bindings

    // Let's change the value of the form control
    // for email addresses with a random value.
    // ngMocks.change finds a related control
    // value accessor and updates it properly.
    // https://ng-mocks.sudo.eu/api/ngMocks/change
      '[name=email]', // css selector
      'test3@em.ail', // an email address

    // Let's ensure that nothing has been called.

    // Let's assume that there is a host listener
    // for a keyboard combination of ctrl+s,
    // and we want to trigger it.
    // ngMocks.trigger helps to emit events via
    // simple interface.
    // https://ng-mocks.sudo.eu/api/ngMocks/trigger
    ngMocks.trigger(point, 'keyup.control.s');

    // The spy should be called with the user
    // and the random email address.
      email: 'test3@em.ail',
      firstName: profile.firstName,
      lastName: profile.lastName,



If you like ng-mocks, please support it:

Thank you!

P.S. Feel free to contact us if you need help.

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