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A pure AngularJS responsive calendar directive
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 郑正文
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

ui-rCalendar directive

A pure AngularJS responsive calendar directive

You could also check https://github.com/twinssbc/Angular-Customizable-Calendar for the Angular version.
If you want to only use it in Ionic framework, please check https://github.com/twinssbc/Ionic2-Calendar for the Ionic specific version




Bower Install: bower install ng-responsive-calendar

Load the necessary dependent files:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<bower lib installation path>/ng-responsive-calendar/dist/css/calendar.min.css"/>
<script src="../lib/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="<bower lib installation path>/ng-responsive-calendar/dist/js/calendar-tpls.min.js"></script>

Add the calendar module as a dependency to your application module:

var myAppModule = angular.module('MyApp', ['ui.rCalendar'])

Add the directive in the html page

<calendar calendar-mode="mode" event-source="eventSource">


  • formatDay
    The format of the date displayed in the month view.
    Default value: 'dd'

  • formatDayHeader
    The format of the header displayed in the month view.
    Default value: 'EEE'

  • formatDayTitle
    The format of the title displayed in the month view.
    Default value: 'MMMM dd, yyyy'

  • formatWeekTitle
    The format of the title displayed in the week view.
    Default value: 'MMMM yyyy, Week w'

  • formatMonthTitle
    The format of the title displayed in the month view.
    Default value: 'MMMM yyyy'

  • formatWeekViewHeader
    The format of the header displayed in the week view.
    Default value: 'EEE d'

  • formatHourColumn
    The format of the hour column displayed in the week and day view.
    Default value: 'ha'

  • calendarMode
    The initial mode of the calendar.
    Default value: 'month'

  • showWeeks
    If set to true, a week number column will be displayed in the month view.
    Default value: false

  • showEventDetail
    If set to true, when selecting the date in the month view, the events happened on that day will be shown below.
    Default value: true

  • startingDay
    Control month view starting from which day.
    Default value: 0

  • allDayLabel
    The text displayed in the allDay column header.
    Default value: 'all day'

  • noEventsLabel
    The text displayed when there’s no event on the selected date in month view.
    Default value: 'No Events'

  • eventSource
    The data source of the calendar, when the eventSource is set, the view will be updated accordingly.
    Default value: null
    The format of the eventSource is described in the EventSource section

  • queryMode
    If queryMode is set to 'local', when the range or mode is changed, the calendar will use the already bound eventSource to update the view
    If queryMode is set to 'remote', when the range or mode is changed, the calendar will trigger a callback function rangeChanged.
    Users will need to implement their custom loading data logic in this function, and fill it into the eventSource. The eventSource is watched, so the view will be updated once the eventSource is changed.
    Default value: 'local'

  • step
    It can be set to 15 or 30, so that the event can be displayed at more accurate position in weekview or dayview.

  • rangeChanged
    The callback function triggered when the range or mode is changed if the queryMode is set to 'remote'

      $scope.rangeChanged = function (startTime, endTime) {
          Events.query({startTime: startTime, endTime: endTime}, function(events){
  • eventSelected
    The callback function triggered when an event is clicked

      <calendar ... event-selected="onEventSelected(event)"></calendar>
      $scope.onEventSelected = function (event) {
  • timeSelected
    The callback function triggered when a date or time is selected

      <calendar ... time-selected="onTimeSelected(selectedTime, events)"></calendar>
      $scope.onTimeSelected = function (selectedTime, events) {
      	console.log('Selected time: ' + selectedTime + ' hasEvents: ' + (events !== undefined && events.length !== 0));


EventSource is an array of event object which contains at least below fields:

  • title

  • startTime
    If allDay is set to true, the startTime has to be as a UTC date which time is set to 0:00 AM, because in an allDay event, only the date is considered, the exact time or timezone doesn't matter.
    For example, if an allDay event starting from 2014-05-09, then startTime is

      var startTime = new Date(Date.UTC(2014, 4, 8));
  • endTime
    If allDay is set to true, the startTime has to be as a UTC date which time is set to 0:00 AM, because in an allDay event, only the date is considered, the exact time or timezone doesn't matter.
    For example, if an allDay event ending to 2014-05-10, then endTime is

      var endTime = new Date(Date.UTC(2014, 4, 9));
  • allDay
    Indicates the event is allDay event or regular event

NoteIn the current version, the calendar controller only watches for the eventSource reference as it's the least expensive.That means only you manually reassign the eventSource value, the controller get notified, and this is usually fit to the scenario when the range is changed, you load a new data set from the backend.In case you want to manually insert/remove/update the element in the eventSource array, you can call broadcast the 'eventSourceChanged' event to notify the controller manually.


  • changeDateWhen receiving this event, the calendar will move the current view to previous or next range.
    Parameter: direction
    1 - Forward
    -1 - Backward

      $scope.$broadcast('changeDate', 1);
  • eventSourceChangedThis event is only needed when you manually modify the element in the eventSource array.
    Parameter: value
    The whole event source object

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