You can read and learn amazing time picker and online demo here:
A visual time picker for angular 2+ projects. You can use this timepicker with Angular 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and Angular Material. This project doesn't require angular material or any other dependencies
After some delay we have now support for Angular 6+. Also you can install latest version on Angular 2 project as well and it's fully backward compatible.
In case required ( which shouldn't! ), install version 1.6.* for Angular 2, 4, 5 but they won't receive update.
You need to install this repository as dependency and import it to your app.module.ts
in imports
npm install amazing-time-picker --save
then, open your app.module.ts
or other module that you want to use timepicker among, and import and add it to the imports
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AmazingTimePickerModule } from 'amazing-time-picker'; // this line you need
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
AmazingTimePickerModule // this line you need
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
This helps your angular project to build and compile it and let you use it.
After you have installed this module, you can use it within your html templates and give the directive to the any tag. When user closes the dialog, it's gonna update the input value and will listen to input click event to open the dialog.
<input atp-time-picker value="19:00"/>
You can also open a timepicker dialog programmatically. In order to open that, you need to import the service in your component:
import { AmazingTimePickerService } from 'amazing-time-picker';
Then add it inside your app.component.ts
or any other component that you want to use timepicker inside of that.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { AmazingTimePickerService } from 'amazing-time-picker'; // this line you need
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
constructor( private atp: AmazingTimePickerService, // this line you need
) { }
open() {
const amazingTimePicker =;
amazingTimePicker.afterClose().subscribe(time => {
Online demo
问题 一般是在编辑、更新的时候,需要实现数据回显功能。然而在Vue中使用el-date-picker,数据回显后无法更新时间。 <el-date-picker style="width: 100%" v-model="form.time" type="datetime" :clearable="false" placeholder="选择日期时间"
Amazing Favorites 是一款采用 Blazor 技术开发的 Chromium 内核的浏览器插件,因此,其可以被安装到 Chrome / Microsoft Edge / 360 极速浏览器 / Vivaldi / 搜狗高速浏览器 等浏览器之上。 它可以帮助使用者高效的管理和搜索自己的收藏夹,为此增加了一些增强功能: 支持为链接标记 tag,从而为通过 tag 为链接进行交叉分组 支持
Amazing-QR 是一个 Python 二维码生成器。可生成普通二维码、带图片的艺术二维码(黑白与彩色)、动态二维码(黑白与彩色)。 示例 使用提示 请采用正方形或近似正方形的图片 建议在图片尺寸大的时候使用 -v 的值也应该适当变大。 如果图片有透明无色部分,最终效果是: 你可以将透明部分修改成白色,最终效果会变成 可用字符 数字 0 到 9 大小写的英文字母 常用英文标点符号和空格 ·
Amazing open source Android apps This is “amazing” series of open source projects. See the post published with images: here This is an extremely competitive list of open source Android apps written in
Amazing Audio Engine 是基于 Core Audio 的远程 IO 系统用以提供低延迟的音频连接,通过内置的混音、过滤和生效。该框架支持大多数音频格式和比特率,同时提供音频输入、录制和监控功能。 示例代码: // Create an instance of the audio controllerself.audioController = [[[AEAudioControlle
功能强大的声音处理类库(Audio Engine),可以进行声音混合(Mix),声音过滤(Audio Filter),给声音加效果等等。具体功能特殊包括: 1. 可以十分方便创建实时的音乐效果,创建方式可以是objects, blocks, 或者 Audio Units 和 looping audio file players。 2. 可以自动混合多种声音信号,并且可以单独调整每个声音频道的音量大
function getCarData() { return [ ["Mercedes", "A 160", 1332284400000, 6999.95], ["Citroen", "C4 Coupe", '10 30', 8330], ["Audi", "A4 Avant", "8:00 PM", 33900], ["Opel", "Astra", 1332284400000, 7