The examples below are using web components but there are bindings for React, Vue, Svelte, Stenciland Angular. If you want to see how they look check out our Demo.
<vm-player autoplay muted>
<vm-video poster="/media/poster.png" cross-origin>
<!-- Why `data-src`? Lazy loading. You can always use `src` if you don't need it. -->
<source data-src="/media/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<!-- Loads the default Vime UI. -->
<vm-default-ui />
Native UI?
<!-- Here we are requesting to use the native controls. -->
<vm-player autoplay muted controls>
<vm-audio cross-origin>
<source data-src="/media/audio.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />
Custom UI?
<!-- Lets add a little splash of color throughout the player. -->
<vm-player autoplay muted style="--vm-player-theme: #1873d3">
<!-- Loading a YouTube video. -->
<vm-youtube video-id="DyTCOwB0DVw" />
<vm-click-to-play />
<vm-captions />
<vm-poster />
<vm-spinner />
<vm-default-settings />
<vm-controls pin="bottomLeft" active-duration="2750" full-width>
These are all predefined controls that you can easily customize. You could also build
your own controls completely from scratch.
<vm-playback-control tooltip-direction="right" />
<vm-volume-control />
<vm-time-progress />
<vm-control-spacer />
<vm-caption-control />
<vm-pip-control keys="p" />
<vm-settings-control />
<vm-fullscreen-control keys="f" tooltip-direction="left" />
There are framework specific bindings for:
Keep in mind, that at its core Vime is still simply web components. Even if your framework isnot mentioned in the list above, it most likely still supports Vime natively. You can checkhere if your framework has complete support forweb components.
There are also examples for loading and using Vime with:
Vime is forward thinking and built for the modern web. AllES6 Compatible browsers are supported, some of which arelisted below.
Documentation can be found at
Feel free to join our Discord channel if you'd like help with anything related to Vime.Please remember to be respectful and patient as this is a community driven project.
If you'd like to contribute and help in building a better media player for the web, then everythingyou need to get started can be found in the Contributing Guide.
A huge thanks to our sponsors who support open-source projects like Vime.
问题内容: 我想为Vimeo的视频获取缩略图。 从Youtube获取图像时,我只是这样做: 知道如何为Vimeo做什么? 问题答案: 从Vimeo Simple API文档中: 发出视频请求 video_id 要获取其信息的视频的ID。 输出 指定输出类型。目前,我们提供JSON,PHP和XML格式。 因此获取此URL 解析每个视频以获取缩略图 这是PHP中的近似代码
我正在尝试创建弹出与Vimeo视频在里面。我的页面上有divideid=“showvideo”。单击要打开弹出窗口的div(带有id=“Opened-Video”的新div)。id=“open-video”的Div有如下所示的Viemo视频的iframe 使用src URL中的?autoplay=1参数将此iframe设置为自动播放。 这是我的JavaScript 这就管用了。 您将注意到html
我试图在videojs player中播放vimeo m3u8 hls视频。我遇到跨域错误。有人能帮我吗。我的代码。 错误XMLHttpRequest无法加载
我正在为客户端移植Vimeo PHP库,并成功地翻译了除了视频上传POST请求之外的所有内容。PHP库使用如下cURL:
我试图使用插件在flatter应用程序中播放vimeo视频,但没有成功,它抛出了大量错误。请帮助我如何在Flatter应用程序中实现这一点?使用webview或任何插件等?也许一段代码片段对我会有很大帮助! 这是我的代码片段 调试控制台中的错误- E/AccessibilityBridge(28662):VirtualView节点不能是根节点。E/ExoPlayerImplInternal(286
这是 VIM 编辑器用来编写 ErLang 代码的插件,主要特点: 语法高亮 代码缩进 代码折叠 代码全集 带有quickfix支持的语法检查 OTP行为的代码框架 使用 Rebar 中的配置 兼容 Pathogen