Head to http://ui-grid.info for documentation and tutorials. Join https://gitter.im/angular-ui/ui-grid to discuss development and ask for specific help.
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bower install angular-ui-grid
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bower_components/angular-ui-grid/ui-grid.min.css">
<script src="bower_components/angular-ui-grid/ui-grid.min.js"></script>
npm install angular-ui-grid
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="node_modules/angular-ui-grid/ui-grid.min.css">
<script src="node_modules/angular-ui-grid/ui-grid.min.js">
You can use jsdelivr.com's cdn url to access the files. Just alter the version as you need.
UI-Grid is currently compatible with Angular versions ranging from 1.4.x to 1.8.x.
UI-Grid comes bundled with several features. Not all of them are currently stable. See the list below for the stability of each:
Feature | Release state |
auto-resize-grid (API) | beta |
cellnav (API) | stable |
edit (API) | stable |
expandable (API) | alpha |
exporter (API) | stable |
grouping (API) | beta |
importer (API) | stable |
infinite-scroll (API) | beta |
move-columns (API) | alpha |
pagination (API) | alpha |
pinning (API) | stable |
resize-columns (API) | stable |
row-edit (API) | stable |
saveState (API) | stable |
selection (API) | stable |
tree-base (API) | beta |
tree-view (API) | beta |
For more details on the features check the Tutorials.
UI-Grid has an excellent plugin system. Most new features can be added as plugins. Please see some discussion of that in the Developer guidelines.There is a list of known plugins on the tutorial site. If you wouldlike your plugin added to that list, please edit the tutorial page and send a pull request.
The first step is to install dependencies. git
is required and must be available from the command line. If you don't have it, install git and ensure that the executable is in your path. If you are new to git, the easiest way to install is by installing the github client.
The grunt
command line utility is also required.
# If you don't already have the grunt-cli installed:
> npm install -g grunt-cli
With git
and grunt-cli
installed you simply run the following commands to install all dependencies.
> npm install
> grunt install
The default grunt task will test and build files into dist/
> grunt
Development "watch" task. This will automatically rebuild from source on changes, reload Gruntfile.js if you change it, and rebuild the docs.
grunt dev
By default grunt dev
will start several karma background watchers that will run the tests against multiple versions of angular. You may specify the version(s) you want to use with the --angular
> grunt dev --angular=1.6.7
> grunt dev --angular=1.5.11,1.6.7
You can also use the --browsers
specify what browsers to test with (PhantomJS is the default).
> grunt dev --browsers=Chrome
# Run a single test run against multiple browsers
> grunt karma:single --browsers=Chrome,Firefox,IE
By default the dev
tasks runs e2e tests with protractor. If you have problems with them running slow or hanging, you can disable them with the --no-e2e
> grunt dev --no-e2e
The grunt task is getting slower as the body of tests gets larger. If you're only working on the core functionality you can disable the unit tests on the features with the --core
> grunt dev --core
As a shortcut for options that the developers frequently use, there is also a --fast
flag, which equates to --core --no-e2e --angular=<latest>
> grunt dev --fast
The karmangular
task runs tests serially against multiple browsers (it is used internally by the dev
# Run tests against all available versions of Angular on Chrome
> grunt karmangular --browsers=Chrome
# Run tests with a couple versions of Angular against the default PhantomJS browser
> grunt karmangular --angular=1.5.11,1.6.7
ui-grid is set up to run against SauceLabs. You must have the SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY
environment variable set.
# Execute tests for a couple versions of angular on IE8
> grunt karmangular --angular=1.5.11,1.6.7 --browsers=SL_IE_8
# Run the watch tasks against IE10
> grunt dev --browsers=SL_IE10
The full list of SauceLabs browsers can be seen by running grunt saucebrowsers
. Usually it should suffice to let Travis do this testing automatically, unless you're trying to debug a browser-specific issue.
As of the 3.0 release, 2.x is officially deprecated. There will be no further releases. If for some reason you need to find the 2.x source please see the 2.x branch.
The 2.x docs are here: https://github.com/angular-ui/ng-grid-legacy/wiki.
With the 3.0 release, the repository has been renamed from "ng-grid" to "ui-grid".
All network traffic to GitHub should redirect automatically but they say you should update your git remote url:
git remote set-url origin https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-grid.git
Thanks to Sauce Labs and BrowserStack for providing their testing platforms to open source projects for free.
Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. [Become a backer]
Become a sponsor and get your logo on our website and on our README on Github with a link to your site. [Become a sponsor]
HTML <pre name="code" class="html"><!--ui-grid css--> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../lib/angular-ui/ui-grid/ui-grid.min.css"> <div class="gridStyle" ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-sele
最近一段时间在使用angularjs 然后就找到ui-grid 这个比较不错的表格插件,感觉还不错,所以分享给大家(ps:新手第一次发) html: <pre name="code" class="html"><!--ui-grid css--> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../lib/angular-ui/ui-grid/ui-gr
因为项目的angular.js版本比较老,1.3.X版的,并且最开始的ui-grid版本也比较低,3.0.0版的,所以也不方便去找其他的表格插件,就用这个ui-grid 亲测有效。 ① 先在主页面引入ui-grid的js和css ② 在app.js页面引入ui-grid模块,用什么引什么,不用的功能不需要引 var app = angular.module('appModel',[ ...
首先,要吐槽一波。大家在使用UI-Grid的时候也体验到了它的强大之处,但是它也存在很多问题,就连官方API的网站也是一片乱码。 问题1:UI-Grid在使用滚动条的时候,也可以看到,他的样式是:scroll 的,它这样做也是为了固定表头,表格列能够对其,但是这样对于UI来说,怎一个丑字了的。 问题2:Grid表格在加载的时候,使用了resize自适应样式时,加载数据会出现一个250ms的延时,在
<!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app="myApp"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>ui-Grid Example01</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../bower_components/angular-ui-grid/ui
let $this = this; onRegisterApi: (gridApi) => { $this.gridApi = gridApi; //单点行选中时触发 $this.gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($th
ui-grid使用详解 附上链接:https://blog.csdn.net/inuyasha1121/article/details/55670268
每个用户界面都考虑以下三个主要方面 - UI elements - 这些是用户最终看到并与之交互的核心可视元素。 JavaFX提供了大量广泛使用的常用元素列表,从基本到复杂,我们将在本教程中介绍。 Layouts - 它们定义了如何在屏幕上组织UI元素,并为GUI(图形用户界面)提供最终外观。 这部分将在布局章节中介绍。 Behavior - 这些是用户与UI元素交互时发生的事件。 这部分将在“事
继承自 Composite 是所有控件的父级。可通过其访问状态栏、导航栏、抽屉控件和内容视图。 通过 “const {ui} = require('tabris');” 引入该对象。 属性 contentView Type: Composite 内容视图是构成应用主UI的控件的容器。覆盖整个应用界面。可将控件直接添加到内容视图中。 此属性只能在创建控件时设置。一旦设置,不能修改。 drawer T
UI模块管理应用界面,用于操作加载HTML页面的原生窗口,调用系统原生控件等。由于此模块功能太多,现已根据功能分拆更新为Key、NativeUI、Navigator、Webview等,并对接口和功能做了一些优化调整,请使用新API。 方法: alert: 弹出系统提示框 closeSplashscreen: 关闭程序启动界面 closeWindow: 关闭原生窗口 confirm: 弹出系统确认对
对话框 键盘事件
增加了一些新的用户界面特性来调整元素尺寸,框尺寸和外边框。 在本章中,您将了解以下的用户界面属性: resize box-sizing outline-offset 注意:Firefox、Chrome 以及 Safari 支持 resize 属性。 Internet Explorer、Chrome、Safari 以及 Opera 支持 box-sizing 属性。Firefox 需要前缀 -moz
@nativescript-rtl/ui Add right-to-left UI support to NativeScript framework Installation to install plugin write: NativeScript 7 and higher tns plugin add @nativescript-rtl/ui Support NativeScript old
English | 中文 一个基于 Weex 的富交互、轻量级、高性能的 UI 组件库 文档 主页 English 搭配 weex-toolkit 使用 Weex Ui 预览 你可以通过飞猪、淘宝、天猫、Weex Playground 或者浏览器扫码体验 安装 npm i weex-ui -S 使用 <template> <div> <wxc-button text="Open Pop
可用UiExport类型的汇总列表: 类型 目的 hacks 应包含在每个应用程序中的任何模块 visTypes 注册提供商的模块ui/registry/vis_types。 fieldFormats 注册提供商的模块ui/registry/field_formats。 spyModes 注册提供商的模块ui/registry/spy_modes。 chromeNavControls 注册提供商的