A pytest plugin providing fixtures for running tests intransactions using Flask-SQLAlchemy.
Inspired by Django's built-in support for transactionaltests, this pluginseeks to provide comprehensive, easy-to-use Pytest fixtures for wrapping tests indatabase transactions for Flask-SQLAlchemyapps. The goal is to make testing stateful Flask-SQLAlchemy applications easier byproviding fixtures that permit the developer to make arbitrary database updateswith the confidence that any changes made during a test will roll back once the test exits.
Use the db_session
fixture to make database updates that won't persist beyondthe body of the test:
def test_a_transaction(db_session):
row = db_session.query(Table).get(1)
row.name = 'testing'
def test_transaction_doesnt_persist(db_session):
row = db_session.query(Table).get(1)
assert row.name != 'testing'
The db_engine
fixture works the same way, but copies the API ofSQLAlchemy's Engineobject:
def test_a_transaction_using_engine(db_engine):
with db_engine.begin() as conn:
row = conn.execute('''UPDATE table SET name = 'testing' WHERE id = 1''')
def test_transaction_doesnt_persist(db_engine):
row_name = db_engine.execute('''SELECT name FROM table WHERE id = 1''').fetchone()[0]
assert row_name != 'testing'
Use configuration properties tomock database connections in an app and enforce nested transactions,allowing any method from the codebase to run inside a test with the assurancethat any database changes made will be rolled back at the end of the test:
# In setup.cfg
# In database.py
db = flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy()
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('DATABASE_URI')
# In models.py
class Table(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'table'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(80))
def set_name(new_name):
self.name = new_name
# In tests/test_set_name.py
def test_set_name(db_session):
row = db_session.query(Table).get(1)
assert row.name == 'testing'
def test_transaction_doesnt_persist(db_session):
row = db_session.query(Table).get(1)
assert row.name != 'testing'
Install using pip:
pip install pytest-flask-sqlalchemy
Once installed, pytest will detect the plugin automatically during test collection.For basic background on using third-party plugins with pytest, see the pytestdocumentation.
Clone the repo from GitHub and switch into the new directory:
git clone git@github.com:jeancochrane/pytest-flask-sqlalchemy.git
cd pytest-flask-sqlalchemy
You can install using pip:
pip install .
So far, pytest-flask-sqlalchemy has been most extensively tested againstPostgreSQL 9.6. It should theoretically work with any backend that is supportedby SQLAlchemy, but Postgres is the only backend that is currently tested by thetest suite.
Official support for SQLite and MySQL is planned for a futurerelease.In the meantime, if you're using one of those backends and you run in toproblems, we would greatly appreciate your help! Open anissue ifsomething isn't working as you expect.
This plugin assumes that a fixture called _db
has beendefined in the root conftest file for your tests. The _db
fixture shouldexpose access to a valid SQLAlchemy Session
object that can interact with your database,for example via the SQLAlchemy
initialization classthat configures Flask-SQLAlchemy.
The fixtures in this plugin depend on this _db
fixture to access yourdatabase and create nested transactions to run tests in. You must definethis fixture in your conftest.py
file for the plugin to work.
An example setup that will produce a valid _db
fixture could look like this(this example comes from the test setup for this repo):
def database(request):
Create a Postgres database for the tests, and drop it when the tests are done.
pg_host = DB_OPTS.get("host")
pg_port = DB_OPTS.get("port")
pg_user = DB_OPTS.get("username")
pg_db = DB_OPTS["database"]
init_postgresql_database(pg_user, pg_host, pg_port, pg_db)
def drop_database():
drop_postgresql_database(pg_user, pg_host, pg_port, pg_db, 9.6)
def app(database):
Create a Flask app context for the tests.
app = Flask(__name__)
return app
def _db(app):
Provide the transactional fixtures with access to the database via a Flask-SQLAlchemy
database connection.
db = SQLAlchemy(app=app)
return db
Alternatively, if you already have a fixture that sets up database access foryour tests, you can define _db
to return that fixture directly:
def database():
# Set up all your database stuff here
# ...
return db
def _db(database):
return database
This plugin allows you to configure a few different properties in asetup.cfg
test configuration file in order to handle the specific database connection needsof your app. For basic background on setting up pytest configuration files, seethe pytest docs.
All three configuration properties (mocked-engines
, and mocked-sessionmakers
)work by patchingone or more specified objects during a test, replacing them with equivalent objects whosedatabase interactions will run inside of a transaction and ultimately berolled back when the test exits. Using these patches, you can call methods fromyour codebase that alter database state with the knowledge that no changes will persistbeyond the body of the test.
The configured patches are only applied in tests where a transactional fixture(either db_session
or db_engine
) is includedin the test function arguments.
The mocked-engines
property directs the plugin to patchobjects in your codebase, typically SQLAlchemy Engineinstances, replacing them with the db_engine
fixture such thatany database updates performed by the objects get rolled back at the end ofthe test.
The value for this property should be formatted as a whitespace-separated listof standard Python import paths, like database.engine
. This property is optional.
# In database.py
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(DATABASE_URI)
# In setup.cfg
To patch multiple objects at once, separate the paths with a whitespace:
# In setup.cfg
mocked-engines=database.engine database.second_engine
The mocked-sessions
property directs the plugin to patchobjects in your codebase, typically SQLAlchemy Sessioninstances, replacing them with the db_session
fixture such thatany database updates performed by the objects get rolled back at the end ofthe test.
The value for this property should be formatted as a whitespace-separated listof standard Python import paths, like database.db.session
. This property is optional.
# In database.py
db = SQLAlchemy()
# In setup.cfg
To patch multiple objects at once, separate the paths with a whitespace:
# In setup.cfg
mocked-sessions=database.db.session database.second_db.session
The mocked-sessionmakers
property directs the plugin to patchobjects in your codebase, typically instances of SQLAlchemy's sessionmaker
factory,replacing them with a mocked class that will return the transactionaldb_session
fixture. This can be useful if you havepre-configured instances of sessionmaker objects that you import in the codeto spin up sessions on the fly.
The value for this property should be formatted as a whitespace-separated listof standard Python import paths, like database.WorkerSessionmaker
. This property is optional.
# In database.py
WorkerSessionmaker = sessionmaker()
To patch multiple objects at once, separate the paths with a whitespace.
mocked-sessionmakers=database.WorkerSessionmaker database.SecondWorkerSessionmaker
Once you have your conftest file set up and you've overrided thenecessary connectables in your test configuration, you're readyto write some transactional tests. Simply import one of the module's transactionalfixtures in your test signature, and the test will be wrapped in a transaction.
Note that by default, tests are only wrapped in transactions if they import one ofthe transactional fixtures provided by this module. Tests that do notimport the fixture will interact with your database without opening a transaction:
# This test will be wrapped in a transaction.
def transactional_test(db_session):
# This test **will not** be wrapped in a transaction, since it does not import a
# transactional fixture.
def non_transactional_test():
The fixtures provide a way for you to control which tests require transactions andwhich don't. This is often useful, since avoiding transaction setup can speed uptests that don't interact with your database.
For more information about the transactional fixtures provided by this module, read onto the fixtures section. For guidance on how to automatically enabletransactions without having to specify fixtures, see the section on enabling transactionswithout fixtures.
This plugin provides two fixtures for performing database updates inside nestedtransactions that get rolled back at the end of a test: db_session
. The fixtures provide similar functionality, butwith different APIs.
The db_session
fixture allows you to perform direct updates that will berolled back when the test exits. It exposes the same API as SQLAlchemy'sscoped_session
Including this fixture as a function argument of a test will activate any mocks that are definedby the configuration properties mocked-engines
, mocked-sessions
,or mocked-sessionmakers
in the test configuration file forthe duration of that test.
def test_a_transaction(db_session):
row = db_session.query(Table).get(1)
row.name = 'testing'
def test_transaction_doesnt_persist(db_session):
row = db_session.query(Table).get(1)
assert row.name != 'testing'
Like db_session
, the db_engine
fixture allows you to perform direct updatesagainst the test database that will be rolled back when the test exits. It isan instance of Python's built-in MagicMock
class, with a spec set to match the API of SQLAlchemy'sEngine
Only a few Engine
methods are exposed on this fixture:
: begin a new nested transaction (API docs)db_engine.execute
: execute a raw SQL query (API docs)db_engine.raw_connection
: return a raw DBAPI connection (API docs)Since db_engine
is an instance of MagicMock
with an Engine
spec, othermethods of the Engine
API can be called, but they will not perform any usefulwork.
Including this fixture as a function argument of a test will activate any mocks that are definedby the configuration properties mocked-engines
, mocked-sessions
,or mocked-sessionmakers
in the test configuration file forthe duration of that test.
def test_a_transaction_using_engine(db_engine):
with db_engine.begin() as conn:
row = conn.execute('''UPDATE table SET name = 'testing' WHERE id = 1''')
def test_transaction_doesnt_persist(db_engine):
row_name = db_engine.execute('''SELECT name FROM table WHERE id = 1''').fetchone()[0]
assert row_name != 'testing'
If you know you want to make all of your tests transactional, it can be annoying to haveto specify one of the fixtures in every test signature.
The best way to automatically enable transactions without having to include an extra fixturein every test is to wire up anautouse fixturefor your test suite. This can be as simple as:
# Automatically enable transactions for all tests, without importing any extra fixtures.
def enable_transactional_tests(db_session):
In this configuration, the enable_transactional_tests
fixture will be automatically used inall tests, meaning that db_session
will also be used. This way, all tests will be wrappedin transactions without having to explicitly require either db_session
or enable_transactional_tests
To run the tests, start by installing a development version of the plugin thatincludes test dependencies:
pip install -e .[tests]
Next, export a database connection stringthat the tests can use (the database referenced by the string will be createdduring test setup, so it does not need to exist):
export TEST_DATABASE_URL=<db_connection_string>
Finally, run the tests using pytest:
This plugin was initially developed for testingDedupe.io, a web app for record linkage and entityresolution using machine learning. Dedupe.io is built and maintainedby DataMade.
The code is greatly indebted to Alex Michael,whose blog post "Delightful testing with pytest andFlask-SQLAlchemy" helpedestablish the basic approach on which this plugin builds.
Many thanks to Igor Ghisi, who donated the PyPipackage name. Igor had been working on a similar plugin and proposed combiningefforts. Thanks to Igor, the plugin name is much stronger.
Copyright (c) 2019 Jean Cochrane and DataMade. Released under the MIT License.
Third-party copyright in this distribution is noted where applicable.
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#coding:utf-8 #SQLAlchemy 是一个 Python 包,其最底层包装了对数据库进入操作的统一接口,然后在最上层提供了对象关系映射(ORM)的实现。 from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy #引入Flask类,Flask实现了一个WSGI对象 from flask import Flask import os p
第一步app.py: # coding=utf-8 import urllib from flask import Flask from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy app = Flask(__name__) app.config['DEBUG'] = True
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flask-sqlalchemy、pytest 的单元测试和事务自动回滚 flask-sqlalchemy.pytest 的单元测试和事务自动回滚 使用 flask-sqlalchemy 做数据库时,单元测试可以帮助发现一些可能意想不到的问题,像 delete-cascad ... Python单元测试框架之pytest -- 断言 对于测试来讲,不管是功能测试,自动化测试,还是单元测试.一般都会
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