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开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 印振国
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Flask-REST-JSONAPI is a flask extension for building REST APIs. It combines the power of Flask-Restless and the flexibility of Flask-RESTful around a strong specification JSONAPI 1.0. This framework is designed to quickly build REST APIs and fit the complexity of real life projects with legacy data and multiple data storages.


pip install Flask-REST-JSONAPI

A minimal API

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from flask import Flask
from flask_rest_jsonapi import Api, ResourceDetail, ResourceList
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from marshmallow_jsonapi.flask import Schema
from marshmallow_jsonapi import fields

# Create the Flask application and the Flask-SQLAlchemy object.
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DEBUG'] = True
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:////tmp/test.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

# Create model
class Person(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String)

# Create the database.

# Create schema
class PersonSchema(Schema):
    class Meta:
        type_ = 'person'
        self_view = 'person_detail'
        self_view_kwargs = {'id': '<id>'}
        self_view_many = 'person_list'

    id = fields.Integer(as_string=True, dump_only=True)
    name = fields.Str()

# Create resource managers
class PersonList(ResourceList):
    schema = PersonSchema
    data_layer = {'session': db.session,
                  'model': Person}

class PersonDetail(ResourceDetail):
    schema = PersonSchema
    data_layer = {'session': db.session,
                  'model': Person}

# Create the API object
api = Api(app)
api.route(PersonList, 'person_list', '/persons')
api.route(PersonDetail, 'person_detail', '/persons/<int:id>')

# Start the flask loop
if __name__ == '__main__':

This example provides the following API structure:

URL method endpoint Usage
/persons GET person_list Get a collection of persons
/persons POST person_list Create a person
/persons/<int:person_id> GET person_detail Get person details
/persons/<int:person_id> PATCH person_detail Update a person
/persons/<int:person_id> DELETE person_detail Delete a person

Flask-REST-JSONAPI vs Flask-RESTful

  • In contrast to Flask-RESTful, Flask-REST-JSONAPI provides a default implementation of get, post, patch and delete methods around a strong specification JSONAPI 1.0. Thanks to this you can build REST API very quickly.
  • Flask-REST-JSONAPI is as flexible as Flask-RESTful. You can rewrite every default method implementation to make custom work like distributing object creation.

Flask-REST-JSONAPI vs Flask-Restless

  • Flask-REST-JSONAPI is a real implementation of JSONAPI 1.0 specification. So in contrast to Flask-Restless, Flask-REST-JSONAPI forces you to create a real logical abstration over your data models with Marshmallow. So you can create complex resource over your data.
  • In contrast to Flask-Restless, Flask-REST-JSONAPI can use any ORM or data storage through the data layer concept, not only SQLAlchemy. A data layer is a CRUD interface between your resource and one or more data storage so you can fetch data from any data storage of your choice or create resource that use multiple data storages.
  • Like I said previously, Flask-REST-JSONAPI is a real implementation of JSONAPI 1.0 specification. So in contrast to Flask-Restless you can manage relationships via REST. You can create dedicated URL to create a CRUD API to manage relationships.
  • Plus Flask-REST-JSONAPI helps you to design your application with strong separation between resource definition (schemas), resource management (resource class) and route definition to get a great organization of your source code.
  • In contrast to Flask-Restless, Flask-REST-JSONAPI is highly customizable. For example you can entirely customize your URLs, define multiple URLs for the same resource manager, control serialization parameters of each method and lots of very useful parameters.
  • Finally in contrast to Flask-Restless, Flask-REST-JSONAPI provides a great error handling system according to JSONAPI 1.0. Plus the exception handling system really helps the API developer to quickly find missing resources requirements.


Documentation available here: http://flask-rest-jsonapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


Flask, marshmallow, marshmallow_jsonapi, sqlalchemy, Flask-RESTful and Flask-Restless are awesome projects. These libraries gave me inspiration to create Flask-REST-JSONAPI, so huge thanks to authors and contributors.

  • 这篇算是翻译、摘录和转写,原文:Headless CMS: REST vs JSON:API vs GraphQL,是Drupal项目的创始人Dries Buytaert和他同事一起在2019初写的,有很多跟Drupal相关的元素,但是质量很高,极具参考价值,所以我把其中跟Drupal相关的大部分去掉,然后把架构相关的摘录、翻译过来,并加入一些我自己的关于Python、Django、Flask开发

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  • Flask-Restful 1.安装 pip install Flask-Restful 2.注册组件 from flask_restful import Api rest_api=Api() rest_api.init_app(app) 3.GET/POST/PUT/DELETE请求 from flask_restful import Resource class PostApi(Resourc

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  • Flask-RESTful 的介绍和基本使用 Flask-RESTful 是一个 Flask 扩展,它添加了快速构建 REST API 的支持。 环境安装:(终端执行) pip install flask-restful 文档: 点我查看官方文档 点我查看中文翻译 构建RESTAPI 使用 flask-restful 构建RESTAPI只需要进行三步操作 创建扩展/组件对象 组件对象 = Api

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  • 2000年,Roy Thomas Fielding博士在他的博士论文《Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures》中提出了几种软件应用的架构风格,REST作为其中的一种架构风格在这篇论文中进行了概括性的介绍。 REST:Representational State Transfer的缩写,翻

  • 安装 pip install flask-restful 手册参照 https://flask-restful.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ RESTful(表现层状态转化) adds support for quickly building REST APIs rest api是前后端分离的最佳实践,是开发的一套标准或规范,不是框架。 1、轻量,直接通过http,不需要额外

  • Flask-RESTful 是一个 Flask 扩展,它添加了快速构建 REST API 的支持。 安装 pip install flask-restful  基本使用 # user_flask_restful_get_base_test.py from flask import Flask,jsonify from flask_restful import Api,Resource app

  • REST APIs with Flask and Python This repository contains code that is created in my course, REST APIs with Flask and Python. The code is divided in folders, one for each section of the course which co

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  • 在前面,我们介绍了 REST Web 服务,并使用 Flask 提供服务。这里,我们使用第三方库 Flask-RESTful,它使得在 Flask 中提供 REST 服务变得更加简单。 安装 使用 pip 安装: $ pip install flask-restful 使用 下面我们主要使用官方文档的例子进行说明。 Hello World 我们先来看一个简单的例子。 # -*- coding: u

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  • 在 Web 应用中,我们经常需要保护我们的 api,以避免非法访问。比如,只允许登录成功的用户发表评论等。Flask-HTTPAuth 扩展可以很好地对 HTTP 的请求进行认证,不依赖于 Cookie 和 Session。本文主要介绍两种认证的方式:基于密码和基于令牌 (token)。 安装 使用 pip 安装: $ pip install Flask-HTTPAuth 基于密码的认证 为了简化

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