Dependency Injector
?Dependency Injector
is a dependency injection framework for Python.
It helps implementing the dependency injection principle.
Key features of the Dependency Injector
, Singleton
, Callable
, Coroutine
, Object
, Dict
, Configuration
, Resource
, Dependency
and Selector
providersthat help assembling your objects.See Providers.yaml
& ini
files, pydantic
settings,environment variables, and dictionaries.See Configuration provider.mypy
-friendly.See Typing and mypy.Cython
.from dependency_injector import containers, providers
from dependency_injector.wiring import inject, Provide
class Container(containers.DeclarativeContainer):
config = providers.Configuration()
api_client = providers.Singleton(
service = providers.Factory(
def main(service: Service = Provide[Container.service]):
if __name__ == '__main__':
container = Container()
main() # <-- dependency is injected automatically
with container.api_client.override(mock.Mock()):
main() # <-- overridden dependency is injected automatically
When you call main()
function the Service
dependency is assembled and injected automatically.
When doing a testing you call the container.api_client.override()
to replace the real APIclient with a mock. When you call main()
the mock is injected.
You can override any provider with another provider.
It also helps you in configuring project for the different environments: replace an API clientwith a stub on the dev or stage.
With the Dependency Injector
objects assembling is consolidated in the container.Dependency injections are defined explicitly.This makes easier to understand and change how application works.
Visit the docs to know more about theDependency injection and inversion of control in Python.
The package is available on the PyPi:
pip install dependency-injector
The documentation is available here.
Choose one of the following:
Choose one of the following:
The framework stands on the PEP20 (The Zen of Python) principle:
Explicit is better than implicit
You need to specify how to assemble and where to inject the dependencies explicitly.
The power of the framework is in a simplicity.Dependency Injector
is a simple tool for the powerful concept.
Dependency Injector
on the GithubDependency Injector
Dependency Injector
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