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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 颜云瀚
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Welcome to The Build a SAAS App with Flask Course!

A video course where we build a real world web application with Flask, Celery,Redis, PostgreSQL, Stripe and Docker.

Full details on the course can be found here:

Getting started

cp .env.example .env
cp docker-compose.override.example.yml docker-compose.override.yml
docker-compose up --build

After everything is up and running, visit http://localhost:8000.

How does this source code differ than what's in the course?

In the course we build up a 4,000+ line Flask application in 15 stages whileI'm at your side explaining my thought process along the way. You will get tosee the source code grow from a single app.py file to a large code base thatspans across dozens of files and folders.

This repo includes up to the 6th stage. By this point in the code base, you'll be introduced to concepts such as:

  • Using Docker to "Dockerize" a multi-service Flask app
  • Using Flask extensions
  • Flask blueprints
  • Jinja templates
  • Working with forms
  • Sending e-mails through Celery
  • Testing and analyzing your code base

The rest of the course covers topics such as:

  • A crash course on Docker and Docker Compose (including multi-stage builds)
  • Going over the application's architecture and tech choices
  • Creating a full blown user management system
  • Creating a custom admin dashboard
  • Logging, middleware and error handling
  • Using Click to create custom CLI commands
  • Accepting recurring credit card payments with Stripe
  • Building up a dice game called "Snake Eyes"
  • Responding with JSON from Flask and creating AJAX requests
  • Processing microtransaction payments with Stripe
  • Dealing with database migrations
  • Converting your app to support multiple languages (i18n)
  • A crash course on Webpack, ES6 JavaScript and SCSS

By the time you finish the course, you'll have all the confidence you need tobuild a large web application with Flask.

There's over 187 video lessons, 25+ hours of content, coding exercises and ane-book that's included. You also get free updates for life as well as life timesupport. I've added 15+ hours of free updates over the years.

These updates range from adding new features like Webpack to keeping Python,Node and all package / service versions up to date. There's even 1 updatethat's a 5 hour live recording where I updated a bunch of things at once. Thisincludes using git too (making good commits, interactive rebasing, etc.), livedebugging and Googling for errors.

Also as a bonus, there's an additional 18 video lessons and 3 hours of contentthat covers building a separate RESTful API driven application that useswebsockets.

Everything you'd want to know about the course can be found here:

  •  flask介绍 Flask是一个python轻量级web框架,能够非常快速的就能把程序搭建起来,Flask是基于Python开发并且依赖jinja2和Werkzeng WSGI服务的一个微型框架,对于Werkzeng WSGI本质是Socket服务端,其用来接受http请求,并对请求进行预处理,然后出发flask框架,开发人员基于Flask框架提供的功能对请求进行相应的处理,并返回给用户,如果要

  • 【背景】     模型训练好了之后怎么部署在线上,让大家直接通过网络就能使用?网络上给出的一般方案就是 Flask + Nginx + uWSGI,当然这里的 nginx 可以替换成类似 Apache ,Flask 也可以考虑用 Django,但就简单、高效而言还是首先 Flask + Nginx + uWSGI。Nginx 在这一方案中主要是起反向代理服务器的作用,我暂且只是做一个小实验,所以没

  • Let's Build a Blockchain A mini cryptocurrency in Ruby Video of the talk: https://youtu.be/3aJI1ABdjQk?t=17m23s Slides here: https://speakerdeck.com/haseebq/lets-build-a-blockchain-a-mini-cryptocurrency-in-ruby

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  • 快速开始 从注册一个Github账号开始 采用的搭建博客的方式是使用 GitHub Pages + jekyll 的方式。 要使用 GitHub Pages,首先你要注册一个 GitHub 账号,GitHub 是全球最大的同性交友网站(吐槽下程序员~),你值得拥有。 拉取我的博客模板 注册完成后搜索 huang-qing.github.io 进入我的仓库 点击右上角的 Fork 将我的仓库拉倒你的

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  • BUY COMPLETE CODE ONLY $50 DEMO REQUEST A NEW FEATURE Sponsor This project is sponsored by Spurwing, where their API Makes Adding Scheduling Quick, Reliable and Scalable. Use Spurwing to build and int