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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 章乐逸
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

A toolkit that simplifies the creation of rich and interactive 2D or 3D experiences.

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npm install lume


LUME is composed of several packages that can be used individually, ortogether as a whole:

lume - HTML elements for rich graphics

HTML elements for easily defining rich and interactive 2D or 3D applicationspowered by CSS3D, WebGL, or both mixed together.

This package uses and re-exports features from the below packages.

glas - WebGL engine written in AssemblyScript

This is a WebGL engine with the consistent performance of WebAssembly, writtenin AssemblyScript (a TypeScript-to-WebAssembly compiler).

@lume/element - System for defining HTML elements

This is a web component system that allows you to create new, fast, andperformant HTML elements in a simple way. It provides the foundation forLUME's HTML elements, and a standard pattern for building new elements thatextend the features of LUME.

@lume/variable - Reactive variables

Create reactive variables and observe their changes in a simple and concise way withless code and less coupling.

element-behaviors - Mix functionalities onto HTML elements

This allows you to augment HTML elements with features called "behaviors"that are similar to custom elements: each behavior is defined as a classthat has the same lifecycle methods as custom elements. The difference isthat an unlimited number of behaviors can be associated with an element.

Getting involved

There's various ways to get involved!

  • Visit the documentation and make something awesome!
  • Submit fixes or new features to any packages or the website! See thecontributing guide.
  • Discuss LUME, get help, or help others in the forums oron our Discord chat server.


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  • 我已安装Lumen 5.5并已配置。环境: 并用雄辩的语言创建了一个模型: 现在官方网站上没有文档来配置文件中的多个DB连接。我的单个连接工作得很好,但现在我需要添加另一个数据库连接详细信息。 到目前为止,我所尝试的: > 创建db配置文件为,具有多个db详细信息,但我的设置不会受到影响,无论我在该文件中写入什么。它只是使用来获取连接详细信息。 试图在文件中添加多个DB连接详细信息,如: DB_C

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