This app helps you find Ember-related issues and contribute to open source. It works well for project nights for meetups, conferences, and hackathons.
The app is designed to interface with ember-help-wanted-server as the backend.
Our goal with this app is to do two major things in the Ember community.
One: create an efficient way of exposing major projects in the Ember ecosystemto a wide audience of volunteers (of varying levels of expertise) to get majorblockers addressed by crowd-sourcing the effort. Currently, project maintainerswill write up epic issues (see the Glimmer2 help issueor the Ember website responsive issuefor examples of issues that have had real success) but after the initial tweetand announcement, these issues tend to disappear off people's radar.
Two: provide a curated pool of issues (from a variety of major Ember projects)that folks either new to Ember (or new to contributing to Ember) can use as adiving-in point to getting to know people in the Ember ecosystem. Oftentimes peoplewill be interested in contributing, but are a bit daunted by browsing the variousrepos in Ember to try to find issues that they can actually help with. Althougha "good for new contributors" or "help wanted" label is often applied, there maynot be enough information in those issues to allow newcomers to really dive in.
The goal would be to use this tool to encourage maintainers to write up issuesin deeper detail so that those issues would be added to the Help Wanted boardand made generally available. This might also increase the number of regularcontributors to various projects, which in turn could help the entire communityaccomplish ambitious things faster.
To accomplish the above, we aim to have a Node backendthat receives Github webhook notifications about issues across a number of Emberprojects. The backend will filter those issues and store them to act as our"pool" of potential issues that potential contributors can work on.
Those issues will then surface in this Ember app, where they can be searchedand filtered in various ways as each potential contributor desires. We mayadd some level of curation to the issues (whether that is needed is still to bedetermined) or in other ways editorialize as issues show up in the app.
We hope that meetup organizers (and contributor workshops at various Emberconferences) are able to sort through issues and pick subsets for their meetings. For example,if a meetup group wants to help its members learn more about Ember Data,a meetup organizer could go through the existing pool of issues and cherry-pick5-10 issues for folks to focus on for that evening that would help with that.
Or this tool could be used as a foundation for running the Contributors Workshopthat occurs each year at EmberConf.
Long-term, we also wonder about tweeting out major new issues or in other waysexposing key pieces of info to the greater Ember world (we could potentially use itas a way of posting "maintainer wanted" messages as well).
If you're interested in helping out or have other ideas on how to improve this, pleasewrite up an issue or contact us on the Ember Community Discord #st-help-wanted-board
channel. Look forward to working on these things with you further!
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
git clone <repository-url>
this repositorycd ember-help-wanted
yarn install
ember serve
By default we have an api-proxy that uses the production API when developinglocally, so you don't need to run the ember-help-wanted-server when editing theEmber frontend.
If you are developing the backend and want your local Ember frontend to hit your local server, then you can start the server like this:
LOCAL_API=true ember s
Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate
for more details
yarn test
yarn test --server
yarn lint
yarn lint:fix
yarn build
(production)Specify what it takes to deploy your app.
Bitwarden Help Center The Bitwarden help center project is written using Jekyll, which is deployed at ( Build/Run Requirements Node.js Ruby Jekyll Run the following comman
显示帮助信息。 yarn help 此命令会列出一系列可用的命令及参数,每一条都会配一段功能简介。
The help plugin adds a button and/or menu item that opens a dialog showing two tabs: Handy shortcuts that explains some nice-to-know keyboard shortcuts Plugin list that shows which plugins that have b
Name git-help - 显示关于 Git 的帮助信息 概要 git help [-a|--all] [-g|--guide] [-i|--info|-m|--man|-w|--web] [COMMAND|GUIDE] 描述 如果没有选项,也没有 COMMAND 或 GUIDE ,git命令的概要和最常用的 Git 命令列表将打印在标准输出中。 如果选项--all或-a给
git 命令的帮助信息。 → git --help usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c name=value] [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path] [-p | --paginate | --no-pager]
描述 (Description) 帮助文本用于通知用户元素的用途,通常位于字段下方。 为其提供唯一ID,并将aria-describedby属性添加到输入中。 例子 (Example) 以下示例演示了在Foundation中使用help text 。 <html> <head> <title>Form Help Text</title> <link rel = "st