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Write templates for your components inside of a Shadow DOM root.Allows encapsulating styles (CSS) and markup (HTML) but using templates likeyou're used to.

�� Support for SSR/FastBoot in Chrome 90+, Release notes.

�� Not sure what Shadow DOM is? Check out this MDN article.

Compatibility: Most browsers support Shadow DOM (v1), except for IE11, see CanIUse for details


  • Ember.js v3.16 or above
  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above
  • Node.js v12 or above

If using Ember < 3.20, this addon will use the private version of {{in-element}} via a polyfill.


ember install ember-shadow-dom


This addon provides a component called ShadowRoot.

    .internal { color: red; }

  <span class='internal'>Internal</span>

This makes the encapsulating component's children a shadow root.


In Shadow DOM you can generally use <slots>, but with Ember you can just use {{yield}}.

{{! components/test.hbs }}
    .internal { color: red; }

  <span class='internal'>

And you can call the component:

  Hello World!

And the contents Hello World! will be inside the shadow root. If you need multiple"slots", you can use ember-named-blocks-polyfill.

{{! components/card.hbs }}
<ShadowRoot ...attributes>
    .title { color: red; } .body { margin-top: 1rem; }

  <header class='title'>
    {{yield to='title'}}

  <div class='body'>
    {{yield to='body'}}

And use the component like so:

<Card class='custom-card'>
    My title

    Some content here!


<ShadowRoot> Component


  • @mode (string) - The mode of the Shadow Root, defaults to 'open'. Can be 'open' or 'closed'.Note that 'closed' mode prevents you from querying into the DOM of your components in tests.
  • @tagName (string) - This defaults to 'div', but can be any valid element tag name used in HTML.Setting this argument changes the top level element that the shadow root is attached to.


This addon supports ShadowDom in SSR (meaning your styles will remain the same on initial render and not change when rehydrated) in Chrome 90+

Other browser vendors should follow, but there is some risk that it never happens.Details here: https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5191745052606464


Components with a open shadowroot can be tested using qunit-dom like so:

let root = find('#internal').shadowRoot;
assert.dom('.block', root).hasText('template block text');

Where the template looks like:

<ShadowRoot id='internal'>
  <div class='block'>template block text</div>


See the Contributing guide for details.


Thanks to @rwjblue for realizing that {{in-element}} can be used for the shadow root!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

  • 此效果会创建具有模糊边缘的指定节点的副本。 包javafx.scene.effect名为Shadow的类表示棕褐色调效果。 该类包含六个属性,它们是 - color - 此属性为Color类型,表示阴影的颜色。 blur type - 此属性属于BlurType,它表示用于模糊阴影的模糊效果的类型。 radius - 此属性的类型为double,它表示阴影模糊内核的半径。 width - 此属性的

  • Shadow是一个腾讯自主研发的Android插件框架,经过线上亿级用户量检验。 Shadow不仅开源分享了插件技术的关键代码,还完整的分享了上线部署所需要的所有设计。 与市面上其他插件框架相比,Shadow主要具有以下特点: 复用独立安装App的源码:插件App的源码原本就是可以正常安装运行的。 零反射无Hack实现插件技术:从理论上就已经确定无需对任何系统做兼容开发,更无任何隐藏API调用,和

  • 描述 (Description) text-shadow属性指定一个或多个从元素文本派生的阴影。 可能的值 (Possible Values) none - 不应将阴影与元素相关联。 color - 任何颜色值。 这给出了阴影的颜色。 length length length - 阴影的偏移距离和模糊半径,按x偏移,y偏移和模糊半径的顺序。 适用于 (Applies to) 所有HTML元素。 D

  • CSS3支持向文本或elements添加阴影。阴影属性分为以下几种 - 文字阴影 盒子阴影 文字阴影 支持CSS3为文本添加阴影效果。 以下是向文本添加阴影效果的示例 - <html> <head> <style> h1 { text-shadow: 2px 2px; } h2 {

  • 简介 The box-shadow CSS property is used to add shadow effects around an element's frame. You can specify multiple effects separated by commas if you wish to do so. A box shadow is described by X and Y

  • 这个插件可以创建非常真实的阴影效果。非常适合做 demo 或者首页。 示例代码: $(selector).realshadow(); // options are optional$(selector).realshadow({ followMouse: false, // true by default pageX: x, // x coordinate