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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 程序开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 公冶嘉
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


This app is a work in progress; improvements and collaboration are welcome.

The app aims to track a few things:

  • potential violations; that is, specific ways an app could fail digital accessibility success criteria (called violations in this app)
  • automated linting methods available for each violation
  • automated testing methods available for each violation
  • manual testing methods, if they are required

This is an Ember app, which means you'll need to have Ember installed (npm install -g ember-cli) to contribute. Contributions are welcome, and come in many different flavors:

  • filing bugs
  • filing new feature requests
  • submitting a PR to resolve an issue, improve the styling, or add a new feature
  • improving the README or other documentation
  • adding art/graphics

Issues that have been evaluated for ease of contribution will have the label pr-welcome, but if you feel confident to participate as a professional, then please do so! PRs that align with the goals of the project will be reviewed.


To work on this app locally, follow these steps:

  1. clone this repository -- git clone https://github.com/MelSumner/a11y-automation.git
  2. switch to this app's directory -- cd a11y-automation
  3. run yarn to install missing dependencies
  4. run ember s to build the app. If it all works, it'll be available at http://localhost:4200/ in your browser of choice.

The styles in this app are primarily provided by Tailwind.

To add assets (such as images or fonts) to the app, place them in the appropriate sub-folder in the public folder.

Adding Data

The data in this app is stored as individual .md files, which are then converted (automatically!) into .json for use in the application. This makes it fairly straightforward to add a new rule item or tag- it's done by adding a single .md file! Additionally, some generators have been created to streamline this process. (Want to see the automatic conversion in action? After you start the app locally, visit http://localhost:4200/violations/all.json to see the compiled JSON output! Neat, huh?)

Add a new violation

To add a new file to track a potential a11y violation, you can add one manually to the violations folder, or you can use the generator to generate the file and put it in the correct location- ember generate violations rule-name where rule-name is the name of the rule to be added. Note: Only ONE new file should be submitted per pull request unless previously coordinated.

Add a new tag

To add a new tag file, you can add one manually to the tags folder, or you can use the generator file from the command line: ember generate tags tag-name where tag-name is a dasherized version of the criterion. For example, WCAG 1.1.1 becomes wcag-1-1-1 and the entire command would look like this: ember generate tags wcag-1-1-1. Only ONE tag file should be generated per pull request unless previously coordinated.

Questions, Suggestions, or Concerns

If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, the best way to resolve them is to file an issue on this repo and I'll respond ASAP. I'll also try to list questions I've already been asked, in case you are wondering about it as well.

Inclusion in Documentation

Although this app currently only tracks linting from ember-template-lint and testing from axe-core, PRs are welcome to add additional linting and testing libraries. Please follow the format in the existing violations to allow your PR to be accepted/merged more readily.

  • a11y 是一个网站可访问性审核工具 如图所示,此工具会帮你筛查出当前网站的可访问性问题,比如网页元素有没有被其他元素挡住、图片没有 alt 标签、文本的对比度是否合适等等一系列问题。 安装 $ npm install --global a11y 用于生成屏幕截图的 PhantomJS 是自动安装的,但在极少数情况下它可能会失败并且您会收到Error: spawn EACCES错误消息。如果发生这

  • ember-a11y-landmarks The ember-a11y-landmarks addon helps you assign the role attribute that should go on landmark tags like <header> and <nav>, without needing to learn the intricacies of when to add

  • 扩展使用者能够根据个人的能力和偏好创建理想的浏览体验。 扩展程序应包括可访问性组件,该组件通过使视力障碍,听力受损,肢体受限和其他残障人士能够访问扩展程序,从而鼓励包容性用户群。 每个人,不仅是有特殊需求的用户,都可以从辅助功能中受益。 视力障碍,肢体受限用户都将从键盘快捷键中受益。 字幕和笔录对聋哑用户至关重要,但也对语言学习者有所帮助。 人们可以通过多种方式与扩展互动。一些用户具有标准的显示器

  • 我为我的React项目设置了eslint(爱彼迎编码风格),它有“eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y”的依赖项,我不想在我当前的项目中使用。 我的问题是如何删除这个特定的插件“eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y”。 当我卸载“eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y”时,它会给出以下错误:

  • 我遵循了git hub的一个简单程序-https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-selenium-java } 执行时,得到如下错误- 你能告诉我,我在这里缺少什么吗?我的js文件在下面的位置。示例截图-

  • 我在我建的React网站上收到了警告 关于以下代码: 即使警告只出现在第一个链接上,如果我临时删除第一个链接或将第一个链接的href更改为静态URL,下一个链接上也会出现相同的警告。 链接需要显示为只是一个图标。 我尝试过使用按钮(没有正确的外观),使用函数打开动态url,并试图通过使用强制href为字符串。许多其他建议都没有奏效。 有没有一种方法可以在不改变jsx-a11y规则的情况下防止错误?