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Ember component library for C3, a D3-based reusable chart library.

See the demo here

Ember Versions

Ember 2.18 and above


  • Ember.js v3.4 or above
  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above
  • Node.js v8 or above


ember install ember-c3


Component usage and properties are below. The code for these example charts and more is in the dummy app source code.

The dummy app has been rewritten using native classes, decorators and Ember features available in Ember 3.12. If you want to see the same examples using the Ember object model and classic syntax look at the dummy app in an earlier version.

Gauge Pie Donut
ember-c3-gauge-2 ember-c3-pie-1 ember-c3-donut-1


Where this.model is your C3 data and chart options:

<C3Chart @data={{this.model}} />

Note: Angle brackets were available in Ember 3.4 but a bug prevented the use of numbers in component names until Ember 3.8. Ember-C3 can use angle brackets only with Ember 3.8 and later . Reference PR #17552.

Using classic invocation:

{{c3-chart data=model}}


See http://c3js.org/examples.html for examples of how to use C3.

Component Properties

The properties match the corresponding C3 options found in the C3 Documentation. As documented, most C3 settings (i.e. bar, axis, size, etc) can be included in the data object.

The component properties break out the settings to simplify chart configuration. Note: The chart type must be assigned in the chart data object.

Properties marked with an asterisk (*) will update the chart when the property changes. See examples in the dummy app.

Property Description Example
c3chart Points to the generated C3 chart. Any C3 API method can be used with this property chart.hide("data1")
data* C3 data object. data is mutable after the charge is created
axis* C3 axis object. See C3 examples for combining with data object. Chart axis are mutable after the chart is created
bar Used to assign bar chart properties
pie Used to assign pie chart properties
donut Used to assign donut chart properties
gauge Used to assign gauge chart properties
line Used to assign line chart properties
area Used to assign area chart properties
point Used to assign data point properties
grid Used to show, hide and modify the graph grid. See docs
legend Show, hide and modify the legend position. See docs
tooltip Show, hide and modify the tooltip. See docs
subchart Show, hide and modify C3 sub charts. See docs
zoom Set C3 zoom features. See docs
size Control chart size see docs size: {width: 640 }
padding Set padding around graph. See docs padding: { top: 20}
title Set chart title title: { text: "This is my chart" }
interaction Enable or disable interactions interaction: { enabled: false }
color* Used to assign color properties. Chart colors are mutable after chart creation
dtitle Dynamically change the chart title. See details below
transition Equivalent to transition.duration. Default duration is 350ms. Transition times less than 300ms may not render properly. Use chart.load() and .unload() if shorter times are required
unloadDataBeforeChange When set to true the data will be unloaded before new data is loaded with didUpdateAttrs(). Useful for pie and donut chart data changes. Also do data changes with .load() and .unload()


The dtitle property is used to dynamically change a chart's title. C3 doesn't natively support this without forcing a chart redraw which can cause side effects. This is especially true if the graph data is being dynamically changed using C3's API.

The title can be set using the .c3-title class but that doesn't provide abstraction from C3's internals.

dtitle gives you some control over side effects using a parameter to control how the graph is refreshed. An object with the new title and a refresh parameter is used to indicate whether all properties should be refreshed or only the chart title.

Setting refresh to false will only refresh the title and ignore changes to the data, colors and axis properties. A short example is below. See the drill down example to see how dttile is used and potential side effects.

The chart's initial title is set using the title parameter.

<C3Chart @data={{this.graphData}} @title={{this.title}} @dtitle={{this.dtitle}} />

<button {{on "click" this.changeTitle}}>Change Title</button>
import Controller from "@ember/controller";
import { computed } from "@ember/object";
import { action } from "@ember/object";

export default class ApplicationController extends Controller {
  title = { text: "Coffee Brewing" };

  get graphData() {
    return {
      columns: [
        ["Cold Brewed", 12],
        ["Drip", 67],
        ["French Press", 14],
        ["Iced", 38],
        ["Percolated", 64]
      type: "pie"

  changeTitle() {
    this.set("dtitle", { text: "Making coffee!", refresh: false });

C3 Methods

If you assign a controller property to the c3chart property, you can use most of C3's api methods. Not all the methods have been tested.

{{!-- templates/application.hbs --}}
<C3Chart @data={{this.baseData}} @c3chart={{this.chart}} />

<button {{on "click" this.loadUS}}>US Cars</button>
<button {{on "click" this.loadGerman}}>German Cars</button>
<button {{on "click" this.resetData}}>Reset</button>
// controllers/application.js
import { action } from "@ember/object";
import Controller from "@ember/controller";

export default class ApplicationController extends Controller {
  chart = null;

  baseData = {
    columns: [
      ["US", 64],
      ["German", 36]
    type: "donut"

  modelsGerman = [
    ["Mercedes", 12],
    ["Volkswagon", 54],
    ["BMW", 34]

  modelsUS = [
    ["Ford", 35],
    ["Chevy", 26],
    ["Tesla", 2],
    ["Buick", 10],
    ["Dodge", 27]

  resetData() {

  loadUS() {
    this.chart.load({ columns: this.modelsUS });
    this.chart.unload("US", "German");

  loadGerman() {
    this.chart.load({ columns: this.modelsGerman });
    this.chart.unload("US", "German");

C3 Events

C3 emits two types of events - chart and data events. Chart events properties are assigned a closure action. Data events must be assigned an action in the data object.

The following C3 chart events are supported by ember-c3.

Events Description Example
oninit Triggered when chart is initialized @oninit={{action "init"}}
onrendered Triggered when chart is rendered or redrawn @onrendered={{action "render"}}
onmouseover Triggered when mouse enters the chart @onmouseover={{action "mouseover"}}
onmouseout Triggered when mouse leaves the chart @onmouseout={{action "mouseout"}}
onresize Triggered when screen is resized @onresize={{action "resize"}}
onresized Triggered when resizing is completed @onresized={{action "resized"}}

For convenience, the chart object is passed to the trigger handler. The chart is not passed to oninit because it hasn't been created yet. An example chart with data events is shown below. Note that bind is required for tying actions to data events. This example uses native classes. See the dummy app for more examples.

{{!-- templates/application.hbs --}}
  @oninit={{action this.setup}}
// controllers/application.js
import Controller from "@ember/controller";
import { computed } from "@ember/object";
import { bind } from "@ember/runloop";

export default class ApplicationController extends Controller {

  get data() {
    // iris data from R
    return {
      columns: [
        ["data1", 30],
        ["data2", 120],
        ["data3", 10],
        ["data4", 45],
        ["data5", 90]
      type: "pie",
      // bind is required for data events
      onclick: bind(this, this.onClick)

  // oninit chart event
  setup() {
    console.log("chart inited")

  // data event - triggered when data point clicked
  onClick(d, i) {
    alert(`Data ${d.name} has a value of ${d.value}`)

Accessing D3

You can use the D3 library in your application by importing it where needed

import d3 from "d3";

See the D3 example in the dummy app.

Helpful Links

See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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