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Declaratively create wizards, tabbed UIs, and more
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 程序开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 齐宗清
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知



Declaratively create wizards, tabs, or any interface with sections of the page that should be shown one-at-a-time


ember install ember-steps

Basic Usage

Using ember-steps starts with creating a step-manager.

<StepManager as |w|>
  We'll put some cool stuff in here in a moment

Cool, right? Ehh, it doesn't do much yet -- we need to add some steps.

<StepManager as |w|>
  <w.Step @name='a'>
    This is the first step!

  <w.Step @name='b'>
    This is the second step!

As you may have guessed, the first w.Step component, a, will be visible initially, and b will be invisible. Note that these names are important. Why? Because we need a way to transition between them!

<StepManager as |w|>
  <w.Step @name='a'>
    This is the first step!

    <button {{on 'click' (fn w.transition-to 'b')}}>
      Next, please!

  <w.Step @name='b'>
    This is the second step!

    <button {{on 'click' (fn w.transition-to 'a')}}>
      Wait, go back!

The <StepManager> provides a closure action that can be called with the name of a step to show that one, instead. One of the neat features of ember-steps is that there is no explicit order to the steps; show all of them, or only some. It's entirely up to you.

Not-So-Basic Usage

The above examples show the basic idea, but there's more configuration (and power) available if you need it. Head over to the cookbook to read more about what ember-steps can do!

Compatibility Note

The following table can help determine which verison of ember-steps work with specific Ember versions

ember Version ember-steps Version
3.13+ v10.0.0
3.6 v9.0.0
3.4 to 3.6 v7.0.0
3.3 to 2.16 v6.1.3
2.12 or earlier v4.0.0
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