Ember Light Table is a lightweight contextual component based table addon that follows Ember's actions up, data down ideology.
The API for initializing Ember Light Table (v2.x) has recently changed. Please review the Pull Request for more information.
ember install ember-light-table
We're glad you love ember-light-table just as much as we do! If you want to help us making it even better, we would be delighted to have you on board, even if you've just started using Ember.
If you've got a great idea in store, but don't feel up for the task to implement it yourself, just open an issue. That way you can put your thoughts out there for discussion and we can evolve it further.
We'll see, whether this feature is a good fit for ember-light-table itself or could better be implemented in a third-party addon.
You're also always invited to chime in on ongoing issues, especially for issues marked with ideas-wanted.
Contributing to an Ember addon is a great opportunity to get in touch with advanced concepts. You're also getting free peer review for your code as a bonus!
And most importantly, you're doing something good for the community!
If you want to make a bigger change, we recommend opening an issue first, so we can agree on the best possible implementation first and none of your work goes to waste.
You don't have a specific feature in mind but want to help out anyways? Awesome!
Issues marked with help wanted are generally agreed upon and ready to get implemented. Oftentimes we have clearly outlined how these issues should get resolved.
We try hard to accurately estimate the overall difficulty and scope of issues and organize them with labels:
We're here to help! It's a good idea to submit you're pull request (PR) right away. Just prefix the title with [WIP]
(work in progress) so we know that you're not done yet.
This way, you can get feedback early on or ask others for help. Your commits are also automatically tested by Travis CI.
Pull requests marked with ideas-wanted are stuck and we would like to hear your thought.
If a pull request is marked with help wanted we just don't have the time and resources to work on it right now. You're invited to continue working on it instead!
LightTable 是由 Microsoft Visual Studio 部门项目经理 Chris Granger 离职后用 clojure 和 css 开发的全新理念的 IDE,支持多种语言。Light Table是一个很简单的概念:我们需要真正的工作面板,不只是编辑器和项目管理器。我们可以把东西尽量整洁地堆在这里,需要的时候可以把资料直接拿出来看。
光源的基类 - 所有其他的光类型都继承了该类描述的属性和方法。 构造器(Constructor) Light( color : Integer, intensity : Float ) color - (可选参数) 16进制表示光的颜色。 缺省值 0xffffff (白色)。 intensity - (可选参数) 光照强度。 缺省值 1。 创造一个新的光源。注意,这并不是直接调用的(而是使用派生类
The light component defines the entity as a source of light. Light affects all materials that have not specified a flat shading model with shader: flat. Note that lights are computationally expensive
A light client is a process that connects to the Tendermint Full Node(s) and then tries to verify the Merkle proofs about the blockchain application. In this document we describe mechanisms that ensur
A light changes the lighting and shading of the scene. Examples <!-- Red directional light shining from the top left. --><a-light color="red" position="-1 1 0"></a-light><!-- Blue point light, 5 meter
Light 4J 是一个快速、轻量级和高效的微服务框架。 特性: 快速,且占用内存较小,可降低生产成本 提供嵌入式网关以解决跨领域问题 设计和测试驱动开发,以提高生产力 内置 DevOps 流程以支持持续集成到生产中 多个框架用于不同类型的微服务 支持多种语言 OAuth2 服务器、门户和服务形成生态系统