An ember-cli addon for using Bootstrap 4 und 5 in Ember applications.
The addon includes the Bootstrap CSS (or Sass, Less) in your project (can be disabled). On top of that, it provides a set of native Ember components (no use of Bootstrap JavaScript!).
See for full documentation.
In your application's directory:
ember install ember-bootstrap
This will install Bootstrap 4 and will use the currently installed preprocessor or none if one is not installed.To switch Bootstrap version or preprocessor, see the setup documentation.
Ember Bootstrap works and is fully tested with
) for tree shaking and code splitting. However as Embroider itself is still considered beta software,we won't be able to guarantee that for the time being.This project follows Semantic Versioning.
See CHANGELOG for the list of all changes.
If you want to keep up to date with ember-bootstrap, you may want to follow me on Twitter.
See the Contributing guide for details.
Cross-browser testing provided by:
Code and documentation copyright 2020 kaliber5 and contributors. Code released under the MIT license.
前端UI(布局)框架 bootstrap Amaze UI BootStrap 全局css样式 栅格系统 container 容器 超小屏幕 手机 vw <768px 宽度 100% 小屏幕 平板 768px <= vw < 992px 宽度 750px 中等屏幕 992<= vw < 1200 宽度 970px 大屏幕 1200 <= vw 宽度 1170px 行 和 列 <div clas
使用bootstrap,响应式布局,头部,是根据设备的大小自适应屏幕大小其中一点,第二点, <meta name="viewport" content="target-densitydpi=device-dpi, width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
Ember检查器是一个浏览器插件,用于调试Ember应用程序。 灰烬检查员包括以下主题 - S.No. 灰烬检查员方式和描述 1 安装Inspector 您可以安装Ember检查器来调试您的应用程序。 2 Object Inspector Ember检查器允许与Ember对象进行交互。 3 The View Tree 视图树提供应用程序的当前状态。 4 检查路由,数据选项卡和库信息 您可以看到检查
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