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Ember Inspector Build Status

Adds an Ember tab to the browser's Developer Tools that allows you to inspectEmber objects in your application.



Install the extension from the Chrome Web Store.


  • Clone the repository
  • cd into the repo directory
  • run yarn install
  • run yarn global add ember-cli
  • run yarn build to build the dist directory
  • Visit chrome://extensions in Chrome
  • Make sure Developer mode is checked
  • Click on 'Load unpacked extension...'
  • Choose the dist/chrome folder in the cloned repo
  • Close and re-open developer tools if it's already open


Install the Firefox addon.


  • Clone the repository
  • cd into the repo directory
  • run yarn install
  • run yarn global add ember-cli
  • run yarn build to build the dist directory
  • Visit about:debugging in Firefox
  • Click on 'Load Temporary Addon-on'
  • Choose the dist/firefox/manifest.json file in the cloned repo


  • Clone the repository
  • cd into the repo directory
  • run yarn install
  • run yarn global add ember-cli
  • run yarn build to build the dist directory
  • Visit chrome://extensions in Opera
  • Make sure Developer mode is checked
  • Click on 'Load unpacked extension...'
  • Choose the dist/chrome folder in the cloned repo
  • Close and re-open developer tools if it's already open

Bookmarklet (All Browsers)

javascript: (function() { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = '//ember-extension.s3.amazonaws.com/dist_bookmarklet/load_inspector.js'; document.body.appendChild(s); }());

Internet explorer will open an iframe instead of a popup due to the lack of support for cross-origin messaging.

For development:

  • run yarn serve:bookmarklet
  • create a bookmark (make sure you unblock the popup when you run the bookmarklet):
javascript: (function() { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = 'http://localhost:9191/bookmarklet/load_inspector.js'; document.body.appendChild(s); }());

Building and Testing:

Run `yarn install && yarn global add ember-cli to install the required modules.

  • yarn build to build the files in the dist directory
  • yarn watch To watch the files and re-build in dist when anything changes (useful during development).
  • yarn test To run the tests in the terminal
  • yarn start To start the test server at localhost:4200/testing/tests

Deploy new version:

Patch versions

Patch versions are only committed to the stable branch. So we need to cherry-pick the commits we need from master and bump stable to the new patch version.

  • git checkout stable
  • Cherry-pick the needed commits from master to stable.
  • Add the change log entry and commit. We use github-changelog-generator for this.You will want to follow the installation instructions on their README, and take note that you will need to provide a GitHub token.Once installed, and you add a token, you can run yarn changelog in your terminal.
  • yarn version --patch
  • git push --tags
  • git push
  • PR the change log entry to the master branch.

Minor and major versions

When releasing a major/minor version, master would already have this version set, so what we need to do is to merge master into stable and release.

  • git checkout stable
  • git merge -X theirs master
  • Add the change log entry and commit. We use github-changelog-generator for this.You will want to follow the installation instructions on their README, and take note that you will need to provide a GitHub token.Once installed, and you add a token, you can run yarn changelog in your terminal.
  • yarn version (keep the same version number)
  • git push --tags
  • git push
  • PR the change log entry to the master branch, as well as increment package.json to the next major/minor version.

Locking a version

We can take a snapshot of the current inspector version to support a specific Ember version range. This allows us to stop supporting old Ember versions in master without breaking the published inspector for old Ember apps. It works by serving a different inspector version based on the current app's Ember version.

The Ember versions supported by the current inspector are indicated in the emberVersionsSupported array in package.json.

Here are the steps to lock an inspector version:

  • Release a new version (See "Minor and major versions") if there are unreleased commits in master. Skip this step if there are not new commits after the last release.
  • Makes sure you have a config/secrets.json file with the correct AWS credentials to push to S3. You can use config/secrets.json.sample as a starting point.
  • Create a new branch (from stable) named after the Ember version range that will be supported by this branch. The min version in the range is the first element in the emberVersionsSupported array in package.json. The max version in the range is the first version that will not be supported. For example, a branch named ember-0.0.0-2.7.0 means it supports Ember 0.0.0 -> 2.6.0, and a branch named ember-2.7.0-3.4.0 means it supports Ember 2.7.0 -> Ember 3.3.2.
  • Update package.json's emberVersionsSupported: add a second element that indicates the minimum Ember version the master branch will not support.
  • Commit the branch.
  • Run yarn lock-version. This will build, compress, and upload this version to S3.
  • Checkout the master branch.
  • Update package.json's previousEmberVersionsSupported: add the first Ember version supported by the recently locked snapshot (the first element in the emberVersionsSupported array).
  • Update package.json's emberVersionsSupported: Take the last element from previousEmberVersionsSupported and set it as the first element in this array. Set an empty string as the second element to indicate there's currently no maximum Ember version supported yet. emberVersionsSupported array length should always be 2 indicating a [min, max] range.
  • Commit.
Example scenario

Below is an example scenario that assumes the current master branch supports Ember version 2.7.0+ and we want to lock the version such that master will support 3.4.0+. It also assumes the last Ember Inspector version released was 3.9.0.

  • Release a new inspector version 3.10.0 if there are unreleased commits in master.
  • Create a new branch from stable called ember-2.7.0-3.4.0.
  • Update package.json's emberVersionsSupported from ["2.7.0", ""] to ["2.7.0", "3.4.0"].
  • Commit with message "Lock Ember version at 2.7.0-3.4.0" and push the branch.
  • Run yarn lock-version.
  • Checkout the master branch.
  • Create a new branch from master called lock-3.4.0 (branch name here is not important).
  • Update package.json's previousEmberVersionsSupported from ["0.0.0"] to ["0.0.0", "2.7.0"].
  • Update package.json's emberVersionsSupported from ["2.7.0", ""] to ["3.4.0", ""].
  • Commit and open a PR against master.

Window Messages

The Ember Inspector uses window messages, so if you are using window messages in your application code, make sure you verify the sender and add checks to your event listener so as not to conflict with the inspector's messages.

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