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所属分类 Web应用开发、 CSS框架
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适用人群 未知

WordPress UIkit Starter Theme

A WordPress starter theme for developers using the frontend framework UIkit.

NOTICE: This theme is still in development. You might miss some features.

Theme Features

  • Full responsive theme
  • Two-level dropdown navigation with offcanvas-navigation for smaller devices
  • Main sidebar on the right side and horizontal footer sidebar with auto-columns
  • Support for featured image in posts
  • Gallery-tag support with UIkit slideshow and gallery
  • Header-image support


Getting started

  • git clone git@github.com:nstaeger/WordPress-UIkit-Starter-Theme.git into the wp-content/themes folder of your WordPress-installation.
  • Go to the WordPress administration-panel and activate the theme.


You will need Git, Node, Bower and Gulp installed, before you start. It is also recommended, to have a running installation of WordPress.

Before you start, follow these steps.

  • git clone git@github.com:nstaeger/WordPress-UIkit-Starter-Theme.git into the wp-content/themes folder of your WordPress-installation.
  • cd WordPress-UIkit-starter-theme
  • npm install


This theme uses Bower to manage its dependencies like jQuery and UIkit. You can get the latest versions of those by running bower install in the themes folder.


You can use Gulp to compile the less files and other stuff. Here are a few tasks, that come with the theme:

  • gulp compile-less Compiles the UIkit and theme-specific Less files into your CSS folder.
  • gulp copy-font Copies the UIkit font files to the fonts directory.
  • gulp minify-js Minifies all JS-files to an all.min.js.
  • gulp watch Watches the less/-folder for changes. If changes are made, the CSS-file will be recompiled.
  • 写 css 遇到了问题怎么办? 如何让 css 写的更轻松? postcss-ui-theme,让你实现类 sass 语法,一个插件就能做到! 如何改变 css 主题 ? postcss-ui-theme , 可打包 css4 变量被保留,不仅可在引用时直接使用新的变量文件覆盖改变主题,还可以通过 js 进行更改!!! css 在别的项目被编译,文件路径找不到? postcss-ui-theme,

  • 用批量替换软件搜索修改如下: 注释  screen_icon 搜索 add_options_page 将数字8替换为 'manage_options' register_widget_control  替换为  wp_register_widget_control get_theme                替换为  wp_get_theme wp_specialchars        

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