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所属分类 Web应用开发、 CSS框架
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spicetify community themes

Some of the themes are not working properly due to a recent Spotify update. Spicetify community is aware of that and everyone is working hard to fix them, so please do not open new issues.

This is a collection of themes for spicetify, a command-line tool to customize Spotify.

You can add your own theme simply by opening a Pull Request (more info in CONTRIBUTING.md).

You can find a preview of all the themes in THEMES.md.


  • These themes require you to have the latest version of Spotify and Spicetify.
  • To install Dribbblish and Turntable, follow the instructions in their READMEs.
  • Spotify ad-blocked version is not supported.

Installation and usage

(If you use Arch Linux you can find this project on the AUR)

  1. Clone this repository. Make sure git is installed and run:

    git clone https://github.com/morpheusthewhite/spicetify-themes.git
  2. Copy the files into the Spicetify Themes folder. Run:


    cd spicetify-themes
    cp -r * ~/.config/spicetify/Themes


    cd spicetify-themes
    cp -r * ~/spicetify_data/Themes


    cd spicetify-themes
    cp * "$(spicetify -c | Split-Path)\Themes\" -Recurse
  3. Choose which theme to apply just by running:

    spicetify config current_theme THEME_NAME

    Some themes have 2 or more different color schemes. After selecting the theme you can switch between them with:

    spicetify config color_scheme SCHEME_NAME


The _Extra folder contains additional resources for tweaking the look of Spotify. More info in its README.


We've set up a separate document for our contribution guidelines.


Do not open issues for general support questions as we want to keep GitHub issues for bug reports and feature requests. If you find problems when using or installing these themes, or you need help in modifying a theme then ask for suggestions on the subreddit.

Use GitHub issues ONLY for bugs and requesting new features.

If you are unsure about which channel to use, go for Reddit.

Useful resources

  • spicetify-cli 是一个用于定制 Spotify 客户端的命令行工具,支持 Windows、MacOS 和 Linux。 特性: 改变整个用户界面的颜色 注入CSS以实现高级定制 注入扩展程序(Javascript脚本)以扩展功能、操作用户界面和控制播放器。 注入自定义应用程序 移除臃肿的组件以提高性能

  • Airline 可以在 Vim 中显示更友好的状态栏,再配以漂亮的配色,工作更开心。 项目地址 Airline https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline Airline Themes https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes 安装 添加 .vimrc 配置 " 同时安装两个插件 Plug 'vim

  • 我正在创建我自己的WordPress主题,我已经用MAMP在本地设置了它。一切正常,当我在浏览器中输入localhost/wordpress时,主题就会出现。但是当我进入localhost/wordpress/wp-content/themes/mysitename它只是一个白色的空白页。 在主题下的WordPress仪表板中,我的主题旁边的图像(它允许您激活它)也是空白的。 我怎样才能让它出现?

  • 界面主题 界面主题(theme)是一个视图和布局文件目录。每个主题中的文件用于在渲染时覆盖相应的应用程序文件。可以为一个应用程序开发具有不同用户体验的界面主题,但任何时候只能有一个被激活。 界面主题配置 界面主题配置通过应用程序的 view 组件来指定。在高级应用程序中backend要使用界面主题,可配置如下: 'components' => [ 'view' => [ '

  • iOS Theme Colors Framework7 comes with 10 ready to use default iOS color themes. But first of all, you need to include additional stylesheet to be able to use all these color themes: <head> ...

  • Color themes let you modify VS Code's background, text and language syntax colorization to suit your preferences and work environment. VS Code supports light, dark and high contrast themes. 颜色主题允许你修改



