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Saleor Commerce - A GraphQL-first platform for perfectionists

Saleor Commerce

Customer-centric e-commerce on a modern stack
A headless, GraphQL commerce platform delivering ultra-fast, dynamic, personalized shopping experiences. Beautiful online stores, anywhere, on any device.

Join our active, engaged community:
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Table of Contents

What makes Saleor special?

Saleor is a rapidly-growing open source e-commerce platform that has served high-volume companies from branches like publishing and apparel since 2012. Based on Python and Django, the latest major update introduces a modular front end powered by a GraphQL API and written with React and TypeScript.


  • PWA: End users can shop offline for better sales and shopping experiences
  • GraphQL API: Access all data from any web or mobile client using the latest technology
  • Headless commerce: Build mobile apps, customize storefronts and externalize processes
  • UX and UI: Designed for a user experience that rivals even the top commercial platforms
  • Dashboard: Administrators have total control of users, processes, and products
  • Orders: A comprehensive system for orders, dispatch, and refunds
  • Cart: Advanced payment and tax options, with full control over discounts and promotions
  • Payments: Flexible API architecture allows integration of any payment method. It comes with Braintree support out of the box.
  • Geo-adaptive: Automatic localized pricing. Over 20 local languages. Localized checkout experience by country.
  • SEO: Packed with features that get stores to a wider audience
  • Cloud: Optimized for deployments using Docker
  • Analytics: Server-side Google Analytics to report e-commerce metrics without affecting privacy

Saleor is free and always will be.Help us out… If you love free stuff and great software, give us a star! ��

Saleor Storefront - React-based PWA e-commerce storefrontSaleor Dashboard - Modern UI for managing your e-commerce


Saleor requires Python 3.8, Node.js 10.0+, PostgreSQL and OS-specific dependency tools.

See the Saleor docs for step-by-step installation and deployment instructions.

Note:The master branch is the development version of Saleor and it may be unstable. To use the latest stable version, download it from the Releases page or switch to a release tag.

The current stable version is 2.11 and you should use this version for all three components:


Saleor documentation is available here: docs.saleor.io

To contribute, please see the saleor/saleor-docs repository.

Saleor Platform

The easiest way to run all components of Saleor (API, storefront and dashboard) together on your local machine is to use the saleor-platform project. Go to that repository for instructions on how to use it.

View saleor-platform


For PWA, single-page storefront go to the saleor-storefront repository.

View storefront demo


For dashboard go to the saleor-dashboard repository.

View dashboard demo


Want to see Saleor in action?

View Storefront | View Dashboard (admin area)

Or launch the demo on a free Heroku instance.


Login credentials: admin@example.com/admin


We love your contributions and do our best to provide you with mentorship and support. If you are looking for an issue to tackle, take a look at issues labeled Help Wanted.

If nothing grabs your attention, check our roadmap or come up with your feature. Just drop us a line or open an issue and we’ll work out how to handle it.

Get more details in our Contributing Guide.

Your feedback

Do you use Saleor as an e-commerce platform?Fill out this short survey and help us grow. It will take just a minute, but mean a lot!

Take a survey


Disclaimer: Everything you see here is open and free to use as long as you comply with the license. There are no hidden charges. We promise to do our best to fix bugs and improve the code.

Some situations do call for extra code; we can cover exotic use cases or build you a custom e-commerce appliance.

Crafted with ❤️ by Saleor Commerce


  • 这个部署最终失败了,失败的报错是:raise exceptions.JSONWebTokenError(_('User is disabled')) 但是下方的部署都是从官方的手册或者github中收集过来的,所以还是值得记录一下的.   部署分为saleor,saleor-dashboard,saleor-storefront三个部分 官方版本要求: repository Usage link

  • 这个是启动saleor-dashboard之后的报错, 原因是saleor(python api)没有启动 python manage.py runserver即可 如果还是不行,可以参考: https://github.com/mirumee/saleor/issues/5106

  • python新人一枚,如果什么不对的地方欢迎大佬们指出. Saleor:         Github地址         官网  Linux 和 macOS 自己查看 官方doc吧                         ----------Window版安装准备工作------------ 点击名字开源直接进入下载地址 安装的时候记得勾选add path!!           Pyt

  • 第一次使用ubuntu 部署 python项目走了不少弯路,本文用来记录部署过程中发现的问题以免下次遇到了又给忘了 ----------------- 首先是安装Python3.6 这个参考了这个问题的答案ubuntu下如何安装最新的python3.6 ------ node.js的安装应该是最简单的了参考官方教程就行了 ------ postgresql的安装         注意点      

  • 一些重要配置 ------------------------------------- 创建后台管理员账号     按照提示 输入邮箱和密码     密码需要输入2次 python manage.py createsuperuser    成功后可以打开http://localhost:8000/dashboard查看是否可以用后台账号登陆 --------------  如果想要测试程序的化可