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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 大数据、 数据查询
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 龙晟睿
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

GraphQL Faker

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Mock your future API or extend the existing API with realistic data from faker.js. No coding required.All you need is to write GraphQL SDL. Don't worry, we will provide you with examples in our SDL editor.

In the GIF below we add fields to types inside real GitHub API and you can make queries from GraphiQL, Apollo, Relay, etc. and receive real data mixed with mock data.

How does it work?

We use @fake directive to let you specify how to fake data. And if 60+ fakers is not enough for you, just use @examples directive to provide examples. Use @listLength directive to specify number of returned array items. Add a directive to any field or custom scalar definition:

type Person {
  name: String @fake(type: firstName)
  gender: String @examples(values: ["male", "female"])
  pets: [Pet] @listLength(min: 1, max: 10)

No need to remember or read any docs. Autocompletion is included!


  • 60+ different types of faked data e.g. streetAddress, firstName, lastName, imageUrl, lorem, semver
  • Comes with multiple locales supported
  • Runs as a local server (can be called from browser, cURL, your app, etc.)
  • Interactive editor with autocompletion for directives with GraphiQL embedded
  • Support for proxying existing GraphQL API and extending it with faked data


npm install -g graphql-faker

or run it in a Docker container, see Usage with Docker


Mock GraphQL API based on example SDL and open interactive editor:

graphql-faker --open

Note: You can specify non-existing SDL file names - Faker will use example SDL which you can edit in interactive editor.

Extend real data from SWAPI with faked data based on extension SDL:

graphql-faker ./ext-swapi.graphql --extend http://swapi.apis.guru

Extend real data from GitHub API with faked data based on extension SDL (you can get token here):

graphql-faker ./ext-gh.graphql --extend https://api.github.com/graphql \
--header "Authorization: bearer <TOKEN>"


graphql-faker [options] [SDL file]

[SDL file] - path to file with SDL. If this argument is omitted Faker uses default file name.


  • -p, --port HTTP Port [default: env.PORT or 9002]
  • -e, --extend URL to existing GraphQL server to extend
  • -o, --open Open page with SDL editor and GraphiQL in browser
  • -H, --header Specify headers to the proxied server in cURL format, e.g.: Authorization: bearer XXXXXXXXX
  • --forward-headers Specify which headers should be forwarded to the proxied server
  • --co, --cors-origin CORS: Specify the custom origin for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, by default it is the same as Origin header from the request
  • -h, --help Show help

When specifying the [SDL file] after the --forward-headers option you need to prefix it with -- to clarify it's not another header. For example:

graphql-faker --extend http://example.com/graphql --forward-headers Authorization -- ./temp.faker.graphql

When you finish with an other option there is no need for the --:

graphql-faker --forward-headers Authorization --extend http://example.com/graphql ./temp.faker.graphql

Usage with Docker

docker run -p=9002:9002 apisguru/graphql-faker [options] [SDL file]

To specify a custom file, mount a volume where the file is located to /workdir:

docker run -v=${PWD}:/workdir apisguru/graphql-faker path/to/schema.sdl

Because the process is running inside of the container, --open does not work.


npm i
npm run build:all
npm run start
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