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🚀 Ready-to-run Prisma example projects
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 大数据、 数据查询
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 何涵畅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Prisma Examples

Ready-to-run Prisma example projects ��

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This repository contains a number of ready-to-run example projects demonstrating various use cases of Prisma. Pick an example and follow the instructions in the corresponding README.

You can also find links to real-world and production ready examples further below in this README.

Are you missing an example? Please feel free to open an issue (read the contribution guidelines for more info).



Demo Description
rest-nextjs-api-routes Next.js app with a REST API (using Next.js API routes)
rest-nextjs-api-routes-auth Next.js app with a REST API (using Next.js API routes) and authentication (using NextAuth.js)
rest-nextjs-express Next.js app with a REST API (using Express)
graphql-nextjs Next.js app with a GraphQL API (using Apollo Server and GraphQL Nexus)

Backend only

Demo Description
graphql-apollo-server GraphQL server based on apollo-server and Nexus Schema
graphql-auth GraphQL server with email-password authentication & permissions
graphql-sdl-first GraphQL server based on the SDL-first approach of graphql-tools
graphql-subscriptions GraphQL server with realtime subscriptions based on apollo-server and Nexus Schema
graphql-typegraphql GraphQL server based on apollo-server and TypeGraphQL
graphql-typegraphql-crud CRUD GraphQL API based on apollo-server and TypeGraphQL
graphql-express GraphQL server based on Express and Nexus Schema
graphql-express-sdl-first GraphQL server based on Express and the SDL-first approach of graphql-tools
graphql-fastify GraphQL server based on Fastify, Mercurius, and the SDL-first approach of graphql-tools
graphql-fastify-sdl-first GraphQL server based on Fastify, Mercurius, and the SDL-first approach of graphql-tools
graphql-hapi GraphQL server based on Hapi and Nexus Schema
graphql-hapi-sdl-first GraphQL server based on Hapi and the SDL-first approach of Apollo Server Hapi
graphql-nestjs GraphQL server based on NestJS (code-first)
graphql-nestjs-sdl-first GraphQL server based on NestJS and the SDL-first approach of graphql-tools
graphql GraphQL server based on apollo-server and Nexus Schema
grpc gRPC API including runnable client scripts for testing
postgis-express Demo of spatial queries using Postgis and Express
rest-express REST API with Express
rest-fastify REST API with Fastify
rest-hapi REST API with hapi
rest-nestjs REST API with NestJS
script Usage of Prisma Client JS in a TypeScript script
testing-express Demo of integration tests with Jest, Supertest and Express

JavaScript (Node.js)


Demo Description
rest-nextjs Next.js app with a REST API (using Next.js API routes)
rest-nuxtjs NuxtJS app with a REST API

Backend only

Demo Description
graphql-apollo-server GraphQL server based on apollo-server
graphql-auth GraphQL server with email-password authentication & permissions
graphql-sdl-first GraphQL server based on the SDL-first approach of graphql-tools
grpc gRPC API including runnable client scripts for testing
rest-express REST API with Express
rest-fastify REST API with Fastify
script Usage of Prisma Client JS in a Node.js script

Deployment platforms

The projects in the deployment-platforms directory show what "Prisma Client"-based deployment setups look like for various deployment providers. Learn more about deployment in the Prisma documentation.

Real-world & production-ready example projects with Prisma

About this repository

The latest branch of this repository contains the examples with the latest stable version of Prisma CLI and Prisma Client (@latest on npm). These dependencies are kept up to date with a GitHub Action workflow, which updates them every time a new version of Prisma is released.

There are also the automated branches dev and patch-dev, which mirror the code from latest (synced via a GitHub Action workflow), but they use the respective development channels of Prisma CLI and Prisma Client from npm instead (@dev and @patch-dev, also updated via a GitHub Action workflow). Thanks to the test coverage of all projects, this can point us to incompatibilities early.


If you have a security issue to report, please contact us at security@prisma.io

CI status

CI Status Branch
test latest latest
test dev dev
test patch-dev patch-dev
CI Status
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