Redis storage for Koa session middleware/cache with Sentinel and Cluster support
v4.0.0+ now uses ioredis
and has support for Sentinel and Cluster!
npm install koa-redis
yarn add koa-redis
works with koa-generic-session (a generic session middleware for koa).
For more examples, please see the examples folder of koa-generic-session
const session = require('koa-generic-session');
const redisStore = require('koa-redis');
const koa = require('koa');
const app = koa();
app.keys = ['keys', 'keykeys'];
store: redisStore({
// Options specified here
app.use(function *() {
switch (this.path) {
case '/get':;
case '/remove':;
case '/regenerate':
function get() {
const session = this.session;
session.count = session.count || 0;
this.body = session.count;
function remove() {
this.session = null;
this.body = 0;
function *regenerate() {;
yield this.regenerateSession();;
const session = require('koa-generic-session');
const redisStore = require('koa-redis');
const koa = require('koa');
const app = koa();
app.keys = ['keys', 'keykeys'];
store: redisStore({
// Options specified here
// <>
sentinels: [
{ host: 'localhost', port: 26379 },
{ host: 'localhost', port: 26380 }
// ...
name: 'mymaster'
// ...
const session = require('koa-generic-session');
const redisStore = require('koa-redis');
const koa = require('koa');
const app = koa();
app.keys = ['keys', 'keykeys'];
store: redisStore({
// Options specified here
// <>
isRedisCluster: true,
nodes: [
port: 6380,
host: ''
port: 6381,
host: ''
// ...
// <>
clusterOptions: {
// ...
redisOptions: {
// ...
// ...
options - Useful things include url
, host
, port
, and path
to the server. Defaults to
(number) - will run
after connectionclient
(object) - supply your own client, all other options are ignored unless duplicate
is also suppliedduplicate
(boolean) - When true, it will run client.duplicate()
on the supplied client
and use all other options supplied. This is useful if you want to select a different DB for sessions but also want to base from the same client object.serialize
- Used to serialize the data that is saved into the store.unserialize
- Used to unserialize the data that is fetched from the store.isRedisCluster
(boolean) - Used for creating a Redis cluster instance per ioredis
Cluster options, if set to true
, then a new Redis cluster will be instantiated with new Redis.Cluster(options.nodes, options.clusterOptions)
(see Cluster docs for more info).nodes
(array) - Conditionally used for creating a Redis cluster instance when isRedisCluster
option is true
, this is the first argument passed to new Redis.Cluster
and contains a list of all the nodes of the cluster ou want to connect to (see Cluster docs for more info).clusterOptions
(object) - Conditionally used for created a Redi cluster instance when isRedisCluster
option is true
, this is the second argument passed to new Redis.Cluster
and contains options, such as redisOptions
(see Cluster docs for more info).auth_pass
and pass
have been replaced with password
, and socket
has been replaced with path
, however all of these options are backwards compatible.See the ioredis
docs for more info.
Note that as of v4.0.0 the disconnect
and warning
events are removed as ioredis
does not support them. The disconnect
event is deprecated, although it is still emitted when end
events are emitted.
These are some the functions that koa-generic-session
uses that you can use manually. You will need to initialize differently than the example above:
const session = require('koa-generic-session');
const redisStore = require('koa-redis')({
// Options specified here
const app = require('koa')();
app.keys = ['keys', 'keykeys'];
store: redisStore
Initialize the Redis connection with the optionally provided options (see above). The variable session
below references this.
Generator that gets a session by ID. Returns parsed JSON is exists, null
if it does not exist, and nothing upon error.
Generator that sets a JSON session by ID with an optional time-to-live (ttl) in milliseconds. Yields ioredis
's client.set()
or client.setex()
Generator that destroys a session (removes it from Redis) by ID. Tields ioredis
's client.del()
Generator that stops a Redis session after everything in the queue has completed. Yields ioredis
's client.quit()
Alias to session.quit()
. It is not safe to use the real end function, as it cuts off the queue.
String giving the connection status updated using client.status
Boolean giving the connection status updated using client.status
after any of the events above is fired.
Direct access to the ioredis
client object.
Server | Transaction rate | Response time |
connect without session | 6763.56 trans/sec | 0.01 secs |
koa without session | 5684.75 trans/sec | 0.01 secs |
connect with session | 2759.70 trans/sec | 0.02 secs |
koa with session | 2355.38 trans/sec | 0.02 secs |
Detailed benchmark report here
. You can use redis-windows
if you are on Windows or just want a quick VM-based server.npm i
in it (Windows should work fine).DEBUG
flag.npm test
to run the tests and generate coverage. To run the tests without generating coverage, run npm run-script test-only
.MIT © dead_horse
Name | Website |
dead_horse | |
Nick Baugh | |
相对于MySQL和MongoDB,Koa操作Redis稍微顺利了点,没有遇到太多的问题。 看一段简单的demo: const redis = require('redis') const client = redis.createClient(6379, '') client.on('error',(err)=>{ console.log(err); }) client.
最近公司某个项目涉及到了视频直播的模块,看了网上许多案例都是基于rtmp或hls的方案进行直播的,考虑到日后chrome不再支持flash,于是试着结合MSE和node中间层进行直播流的推送和解析操作,其中就涉及到了node操作redis的环节。 一、配置ORM库 一般来说,无论服务端还是中间层,针对mysql和mongoDB这种数据库都会使用ORM进行操作,redis也一样,因此在开始使用red
参考 1 安装 npm install koa-session2 2 app.js const Koa = require('koa'); const app = new Koa(); const session = require('koa-session2'); const Store = require
这两个都可以做消息队列,消息队列可以做什么? 消息队列 优点 解耦 ,将消息写到消息队列中,需要的系统来订阅 异步,加快速度 消峰,防止同时间大并发请求数据库,造成数据库连接异常,而通过消息队列的话,消费者可以根据数据库处理能力的并发量来拉去消息 缺点 系统可用性降低;系统复杂性增加 kafka可用性 kafka是分布式系统,通过zookeeper管理集群配置,选举leader,在consumer
package cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.redis.config; import org.redisson.Redisson; import org.redisson.api.RedissonClient; import org.redisson.client.codec.StringCodec; import org.redisson.config.Config;
列表(list) 列表( list)类型是用来存储多个有序的字符串,a、b、c、d、e五个元素从左到右组成了一个有序的列表,列表中的每个字符串称为元素(element),一个列表最多可以存储2的32次方-1个元素。在Redis 中,可以对列表两端插入( push)和弹出(pop),还可以获取指定范围的元素列表、获取指定索引下标的元素等。列表是一种比较灵活的数据结构,它可以充当栈和队列的角色,在实际
一. 启动本机redis 1. 启动本机redis:在终端输入 redis-server 默认端口号为:6379 注意:这个终端不要关闭,关闭了之后redis也关了 2. 打开redis客户端测试一下:新开一个终端,输入 redis-cli> set name '哈哈' OK> get name "\xe5\x93\x88\xe5\x93
Node.js连接redis显示Client is Closed Node连接redis的代码如下: const redis = require('redis'); const client = redis.createClient(6379, 'localhost'); // const client = redis.createClient(); //获取当前db中所有的key // fu
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