
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能、 机器学习/深度学习
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 白学
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Hierarchical neural-net interpretations (ACD) ��

Produces hierarchical interpretations for a single prediction made by a pytorch neural network. Official code for Hierarchical interpretations for neural network predictions (ICLR 2019 pdf).

DocumentationDemo notebooks

Note: this repo is actively maintained. For any questions please file an issue.


  • installation: pip install acd (or clone and run python setup.py install)
  • examples: the reproduce_figs folder has notebooks with many demos
  • src: the acd folder contains the source for the method implementation
  • allows for different types of interpretations by changing hyperparameters (explained in examples)
  • all required data/models/code for reproducing are included in the dsets folder
Inspecting NLP sentiment models Detecting adversarial examples Analyzing imagenet models

notes on using ACD on your own data

  • the current CD implementation often works out-of-the box, especially for networks built on common layers, such as alexnet/vgg/resnet. However, if you have custom layers or layers not accessible in net.modules(), you may need to write a custom function to iterate through some layers of your network (for examples see cd.py).
  • to use baselines such build-up and occlusion, replace the pred_ims function by a function, which gets predictions from your model given a batch of examples.

related work

  • CDEP (ICML 2020 pdf, github) - penalizes CD / ACD scores during training to make models generalize better
  • TRIM (ICLR 2020 workshop pdf, github) - using simple reparameterizations, allows for calculating disentangled importances to transformations of the input (e.g. assigning importances to different frequencies)
  • PDR framework (PNAS 2019 pdf) - an overarching framewwork for guiding and framing interpretable machine learning
  • DAC (arXiv 2019 pdf, github) - finds disentangled interpretations for random forests
  • Baseline interpretability methods - the file scores/score_funcs.py also contains simple pytorch implementations of integrated gradients and the simple interpration technique gradient * input


  • feel free to use/share this code openly
  • if you find this code useful for your research, please cite the following:
   title={Hierarchical interpretations for neural network predictions},
   author={Chandan Singh and W. James Murdoch and Bin Yu},
   booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},
  • Hierarchical-Display 是 Material Design 的分层显示动画效果插件。 浏览器支持: Chrome 4+ Firefox 16+ Opera 12.1+ Safari 4+ IE 10+ Android Browser 4+ 不支持 Opera Mini

  • MKL-DNN 是用于深度神经网络的英特尔数学核心库,是一款面向深度学习应用的开源性能库。 该库包括针对英特尔架构处理器和英特尔处理器显卡优化的神经网络的基本构建模块。 英特尔MKL-DNN适用于对提高英特尔CPU和GPU的应用程序性能感兴趣的深度学习应用程序和框架开发人员。 深度学习从业者可以使用其中一个启用了英特尔MKL-DNN的应用程序: Apache* MXNet BigDL Caffe*

  • DNN5中文搜索Provider, 给DotNetNuke增加中文索引,搜索功能, 适用于所有DNN5以上的版本

  • 1. 基于Hierarchical Softmax的模型概述 我们先回顾下传统的神经网络词向量语言模型,里面一般有三层,输入层(词向量),隐藏层和输出层(softmax层)。里面最大的问题在于从隐藏层到输出的softmax层的计算量很大,因为要计算所有词的softmax概率,再去找概率最大的值。这个模型如下图所示。其中V是词汇表的大小, word2vec对这个模型做了改进,首先,对于从输入层到隐藏

  • 本文向大家介绍DNN和GMM的优势相关面试题,主要包含被问及DNN和GMM的优势时的应答技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 GMM没有利用帧的上下文信息,GMM不能学习深层非线性特征变换。

  • 我正在将DNN应用程序从07.00.02升级到07.03.04并在安装后将所有门户重定向到登录页面。所有门户都配置有一个登陆页面,该页面被配置为允许“所有用户”角色视图访问。还有人在升级后遇到过这个问题吗? 2015-02-05 05:45:01 GET/-80- Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/



