
授权协议 MIT License
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能、 机器学习/深度学习
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 冉俊德
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Repository for developers that provides core functionality for theMLJ machinelearning framework.

Branch Julia Build Coverage
master v1 Continuous Integration (CPU)
dev v1 Continuous Integration (CPU)

MLJ is a Juliaframework for combining and tuning machine learning models. Thisrepository provides core functionality for MLJ, including:

  • completing the functionality for methods defined "minimally" inMLJ's light-weight model interfaceMLJModelInterface

  • definition of machines and their associated methods, such asfit! and predict/transform. Serialization of machines,however, now lives inMLJSerialization.

  • MLJ's model composition interface, including learningnetworks and pipelines

  • basic utilities for manipulating data

  • an extension toDistributions.jlcalled UnivariateFinite for randomly sampling labeledcategorical data

  • a small interface for resampling strategies and implementations, including CV(), StratifiedCV and Holdout

  • methods for performance evaluation, based on those resampling strategies

  • one-dimensional hyperparameter range types, constructors andassociated methods, for use withMLJTuning

  • a smallinterfacefor performance measures (losses and scores), enabling theintegration of theLossFunctions.jllibrary, user-defined measures, as well as about forty nativelydefined measures.

Previously MLJBase provided the model interface for integrating thirdparty machine learning models into MLJ. That role has now shifted tothe light-weightMLJModelInterfacepackage.



