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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 刘向阳
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Wowchemy Website Builder

Wowchemy: the website builder for Hugo

Join 750,000+ Sites. No Code. Easily Create Future-Proof Websites ✏️ �� ��

�� 1. Create any kind of website for free with widgets - from landing pages, knowledge bases, and courses to academic resumés, conferences, and tech blogs

�� 2. Personalize a beautiful starter template with 50+ light/dark color themes, language packs, and widgets

�� 3. Write from your sofa or on the go with the integrated open source Content Management System (CMS)

Check out the latest demos of what you'll get in less than 10 minutes, or get inspired by user stories.

Crowd-funded open-source software

To help us develop this template and software sustainably under the MIT license, we ask all individuals and businesses that use it to help support its ongoing maintenance and development via sponsorship.

❤️ Unlock rewards by supporting this open source software ❤️


  • Hugo Academic CLI: Automatically import academic publications from BibTeX
  • Awesome Hugo: Scripts to help migrate content to new versions of Hugo


Key features:

  • Page builder - Create anything with widgets and elements
  • Edit any type of content - Blog posts, publications, talks, slides, projects, and more!
  • Create content in Markdown, Jupyter, or RStudio
  • Plugin System - Fully customizable color and font themes
  • Display Code and Math - Code highlighting and LaTeX math supported
  • Integrations - Google Analytics, Disqus commenting, Maps, Contact Forms, and more!
  • Beautiful Site - Simple and refreshing one page design
  • Industry-Leading SEO - Help get your website found on search engines and social media
  • Media Galleries - Display your images and videos with captions in a customizable gallery
  • Mobile Friendly - Look amazing on every screen with a mobile friendly version of your site
  • Multi-language - 34+ language packs including English, 中文, and Português
  • Multi-user - Each author gets their own profile page
  • Privacy Pack - Assists with GDPR
  • Stand Out - Bring your site to life with animation, parallax backgrounds, and scroll effects
  • One-Click Deployment - No servers. No databases. Only files.


Wowchemy comes with automatic day (light) and night (dark) mode built-in. Alternatively, click the moon icon in the top right of one of the Demos to set your preferred mode!

Choose a stunning theme for your site and customize it to your liking:

Browse more templates and themes...

The Future of Technical Content Writing

Writing technical content

Join the community

Feel free to star the project on Github, join the community on Discord, and follow @wowchemy on Twitter to be the first to hear about new features.


Copyright 2016-present George Cushen.

The Wowchemy Hugo Themes repository is released under the MIT license.

  • Hugo的安装十分简单,安装时不需要安装任何依赖软件,其本身只是一个二进制文件,可以使用以下几种方式安装: 直接使用二进制文件安装 到Hugo release下载对应系统的安装包,解压后放到$PATH目录下即可使用 使用go get安装 这种安装方式的前提是您的电脑上已经配置了Go开发环境,为了简单起见,建议直接下载编译好的发型版安装。 go get -u -v github.com/gohugo

  • Hugo 是 Go 编写的静态网站生成器,速度快,易用,可配置。Hugo 有一个内容和模板目录,把他们渲染到完全的 HTML 网站。 Hugo 依赖于 Markdown 文件,元数据字体 。用户可以从任意的目录中运行 Hugo,支持共享主机和其他系统。 Hugo 只需要几分之一秒就可以渲染一个经典的中型网站,最好网站的每个部分渲染只需 1 毫秒。 Hugo 非常适合博客,文档等等网站的生成。 Hu

  • Hugo是由Go语言实现的静态网站生成器。简单、易用、高效、易扩展、快速部署。 Hugo Plugin是用于在 Jenkins 中构建  Hugo网站的插件,支持的发布方式包括:Git发布、Git子模块发布。 通过Hugo Plugin可以很轻松地做到在码云上自动发布博客、文档网站。配置方法如下图所示:

  • Ox-Hugo: A carefully crafted Org exporter back-end for Hugo ox-hugo is an Org exporter backend that exports Org to Hugo-compatible Markdown (Blackfriday) and also generates the front-matter (in TOML o

  • 这是一个为 Hugo 而写的 Chart.js 图表组件,用 chart 短代码就可以方便的把优雅的动态图表插入到你的 Hugo 站点中。 用法 用 git submodule add https://github.com/Shen-Yu/hugo-chart.git themes/hugo-chart 命令把 hugo-chart 添加为项目的子模块。 找到 Hugo 站点根目录下的配置文件(c

  • hugo 是注释驱动的方法,用来在调试的时候调用日志记录。它用于打印函数信息及执行时间的工具,仅在debug模式生效。 示例代码: @DebugLogpublic String getName(String first, String last) {  SystemClock.sleep(15); // Don't ever really do this!  return first + " "