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开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 孔甫
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Coverage Status



Devel::IPerl depends upon the ZeroMQ library (ZMQ) and Project Jupyter in order to work.



On Debian-based systems, you can install ZeroMQ using apt.

sudo apt install libzmq3-dev 

If you use Homebrew on macOS, you can install ZeroMQ by using

brew install zmq

You may also need to install cpanm this way by using

brew install cpanm

Then you will need to install ZMQ::LibZMQ3 by running:

export ARCHFLAGS='-arch x86_64';
cpanm --build-args 'OTHERLDFLAGS=' ZMQ::LibZMQ3;
Installing ZeroMQ without a package manager

Some systems may not have a package manager (e.g,. Windows) or you may want toavoid using the package manager.

Make sure you have Perl, a C/C++ compiler, lwp-request (or another HTTPdownloading tool that outputs the contents of an HTTP request to STDOUT such aswget -O - or curl), and cpanm on your system.

Then run this following command (read the source first!):

# use `cpanm LWP` to install `lwp-request`
lwp-request https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zmughal-CPAN/p5-Alt-Alien-ZMQ-Alien-ZMQ-latest/master/maint/install-zmq-libzmq.pl | perl - --notest Alt::Alien::ZMQ::Alien::ZMQ::latest ZMQ::LibZMQ3 Net::Async::ZMQ

What this does is install CPAN modules for

Installing these modules can be tricky, so this script handles it for you.

It has been tested on GNU/Linux, macOS, and Windows (Strawberry Perl

Note: There are currently issues with installing on Windows using ActivePerland older versions of Strawberry Perl. These are mostly due to having an oldertoolchain which causes builds of the native libraries to fail.


See the Jupyter install page to see how toinstall Jupyter.

On Debian, you can install using apt:

sudo apt install jupyter-console jupyter-notebook

If you know how to use pip, this may be as easy as

pip install -U jupyter
# or use pip3 (for Python 3) instead of pip

Make sure Jupyter is in the path by running

jupyter --version

Install from CPAN

cpanm Devel::IPerl

If you have a problem with failing tests for Markdown::Pod,you can install an older version using

cpanm Markdent@0.26 Markdown::Pod@0.006


iperl console  # start the console

iperl notebook # start the notebook

See the wiki for moreinformation and example notebooks!

  • p5.js是一套具有类似Processing编程语言的可视化JavaScript库,是当代Web的Processing,能够比得上甚至优于D3.js、EaselJS、Three.js、 Raphaël、 KineticJS、Paper.js、Famo.us,或者是Impact等类库。 p5.js有完整的一套画图功能,既可当作画图软件使用,也包括支持与各类页面元素交互的库。然而,开发者没有

  • The NDK is an Nginx module that is designed to extend the core functionality of the excellent Nginx webserver in a way that can be used as a basis of other Nginx modules. Project page: https://github.

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  • 本文向大家介绍p5.js绘制创意自画像,包括了p5.js绘制创意自画像的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例为大家分享了p5.js绘制自画像的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 绘制结果 人物头上的呆毛会一直运动,鼠标出现在画面上时左上角会有一个小猫咪头随着鼠标移动,而且人物的眼睛也会一直看向小猫的方向 代码介绍 整个图全部由贝塞尔曲线,直线和圆组成 贝塞尔曲线的代码结构大概就是 控制

  • 我试图从图像中获取像素数据,以计算图像的平均亮度。我用但是由于某些原因,像素阵列的某些元素是未定义的,这破坏了我的计算。 下面是的代码: 应该等于0到255之间的某个数字,但现在它是。。。 如果你对计算图像平均亮度的其他方法有什么建议,我很高兴听到:)谢谢!

  • 问题内容: (我已经解决了与我的问题有关的四个或五个问题,但是我遇到的这个症结似乎并未在其中解决。) 尝试在Windows计算机上的RStudio上运行RMySQL时,我一直在尝试遵循此处提供的帮助:如何将R与MySQL连接或如何安装RMySQL软件包?在这里:在Windows R中使用MySQL 我能够完成第1、3、4、5步,但没有完成第2步。 我已经尝试搜索缺少的标头 mysql.h 本身,但