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JupyterLab desktop application, based on Electron.
授权协议 View license
开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 濮阳俊明
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

JupyterLab Desktop

A desktop application for JupyterLab, based on Electron.


Before installing please read the Python Environment Customization Guide if you plan to customize the Python environment to add new packages.

Build dependencies

  • conda

    You can install conda as part of a Miniforge installer.

  • (conda) Constructor to bundle JupyterLab Desktop Server into the stand-alone application. You can install Constructor using:

    conda install -c conda-forge constructor
  • nodejs

    You can install from https://nodejs.org/en/download/ or run:

    conda install -c conda-forge nodejs
  • yarn

    Install using

    npm install --global yarn

Local development

JupyterLab Desktop bundles JupyterLab front-end and a conda environment as JupyterLab Desktop Server as its backend into an Electron application.

<platform>: mac, linux or win

  • Get the project source code

    git clone https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab-desktop.git
  • Install dependencies and build JupyterLab Desktop

    yarn build
  • Create the JupyterLab Desktop Server installer using

    yarn create_env_installer:<platform>

    Installer will be created in one of env_installer/JupyterLabAppServer<version>-MacOSX-x86_64.sh, env_installer/JupyterLabAppServer-<version>-Linux-x86_64.sh, env_installer/JupyterLabAppServer-<version>-Windows-x86_64.exe based on your platform

  • Run the installer to install the JupyterLab Desktop Server. Make sure to set install location to jlab_server directory that is at the same level as jupyterlab-desktop project source code

  • Now you can launch the JupyterLab Desktop locally using:

    yarn start

Building for distribution

  • Build the application

    yarn run clean && yarn build
  • Create JupyterLab Desktop Server installer

    yarn create_env_installer:<platform>
  • Create JupyterLab Desktop installer which will also bundle JupyterLab Desktop Server installer.

    yarn dist:<platform>

    App Installer will be created in dist/JupyterLab.pkg (macOS), dist/JupyterLab.deb (Debian, Ubuntu), dist/JupyterLab.rpm (Red Hat, Fedora) and dist/JupyterLab-Setup.exe (Windows) based on the platform

Release Instructions

For instructions on updating bundled JupyterLab packages and cutting a new app release, please follow Release.md document.

  • 找了很多,大部分都是jupyter notebook的代码提示。 自己配置lab的代码提示也踩了很多坑,这里记录一下。 lab下主要的代码提示有三种方法。 插件kite、插件lsp、和第三方工具(vs code,pycharm) 1 . 安装插件 kite 需要先安装kite engine 。(2021/12)官网不能下载了。 下载链接. 然后再安装插件 jupyterlab-kite 官网教程是

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  • 目前只是最简单的测试代码使用,比Pycharm方便在不需要return或者print,比terminal方便在需要复制粘贴的时候可以直接批量操作;其他更方便的地方我还不清楚。。。。等发现麻烦的时候再查再学吧。。 安装: #环境:python3.6 #更新pip python -m pip install -U pip setuptools #安装,使用清华源满速安装 pip install jup

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  • 大家好,堆栈溢出。今天,我想问一些非常不同的问题。 我目前是一名数据科学家,我在JupyterLab/笔记本上做了很多工作。我的几个同事用笔记本电脑代替了JupyterLab。看起来这两者之间并没有太大区别(我真的很喜欢JupyterLab以不同的颜色呈现代码的方式)。我在网上搜索过,上面写着 "JupyterLab是下一代的Jupyter笔记本" 然而,一些特写,如情节人物,在JupyterLa

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  • 我似乎找不到是什么引起的:/

  • 我是Jupyter笔记本电脑的新手,Jupyter笔记本电脑和JupyterLab的主要区别是什么,建议我选择最好的,以后应该使用。