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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript TypeScript
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 赵永新
操作系统 iOS
适用人群 未知



This plugin allows you to define a notification strategy regarding your app updates. You are able to specify if you want to force, offer or ignore an update based on the new version available in the platform store.

For example, you could want to force all major version update, but offer the option to your user to chose to update or skip a minor or patch version.

You can also specify how many days after the update release you want to display the alert.


You need to add appversion plugins for this one to work:

tns plugin add @nativescript/appversion


tns plugin add nativescript-store-update


In your main.ts or app.ts file, before app start, call StoreUpdate.init with desired options like so:

import { StoreUpdate, AlertTypesConstants } from "nativescript-store-update";

        notifyNbDaysAfterRelease: 1,
        majorUpdateAlertType: AlertTypesConstants.OPTION


The plugin contains some default translations inside json files located in src/i18n folder and required by hand in the src/helpers/locales.helper.ts file.You can also specify a custom translation in the plugin initialization through the configuraiton options.If you want to contribute a regionalized translation, you must use the lang-regionCode format specified in Apple doc, but with the country lowercased (ex: fr-ca, en-us)


Configuration options

Property Default Description
majorUpdateAlertType FORCE Alert type for major version change (e.g: A.b.c.d)
minorUpdateAlertType OPTION Alert type for minor version change (e.g: a.B.c.d)
patchUpdateAlertType NONE Alert type for major version change (e.g: a.b.C.d)
revisionUpdateAlertType NONE Alert type for revision version change (e.g: a.b.c.D)
notifyNbDaysAfterRelease 1 Delays the update prompt by a specific number of days
countryCode en country store code
alertOptions null Customize alert dialog text, bypasses the Locale json

Alert types

Key Value Description
FORCE 1 Show an alert that can't be skipped
OPTION 2 Show an alert that can be skipped
NONE 3 Don't display alert at all

AlertOptions configuration (Optional)

Property Default Description
title LocaleText Dialog title, fallback to the locale json
message LocaleText Dialog body text, fallback to the locale json
updateButton LocaleText Dialog update button, fallback to the locale json
skipButton LocaleText Dialog skip button, fallback to the locale json


Clone this repository, go in the src folder then run the command npm run setupYou can then use:

  • npm run demo.ios or npm run demo.android to start the demo
  • npm run plugin.tscwatch to watch plugin file and start developing!

The repo contains 2 demos folder, one with angular, and one without.Demos use the bundleId com.bitstrips.imoji as their App version contains Major, Minor and Patch numbers, and they update their app really often.You can change parameters passed ton package init in main.ts or app.ts files and change app version in android app.gradle and ios info.plist config files to test the feature.


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004


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