A plugin that adds a pop-up menu to NativeScript
From your command prompt/terminal go to your app's root folder and execute:tns plugin add nativescript-menu
tns plugin add nativescript-menu@1.1.6
Android | iOS |
![]() |
![]() |
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd" loaded="pageLoaded" class="page"
<StackLayout class="p-20">
<Button id="menuBtn" text="getMenu" tap="{{ buttonTap }}"/>
import { Menu } from "nativescript-menu";
export class HelloWorldModel extends Observable {
public message: string;
private menu: Menu;
constructor(public page: Page) {
buttonTap() {
view: this.page.getViewById("menuBtn"),
actions: ["Example", "NativeScript", "Menu"]
.then(action => {
alert(action.id + " - " + action.title);
with custom options
import { Menu } from "nativescript-menu";
export class HelloWorldModel extends Observable {
public message: string;
private menu: Menu;
constructor(public page: Page) {
buttonTap() {
view: this.page.getViewById("menuBtn"),
actions: [
{ id: "one", title: "Example" },
{ id: "two", title: "NativeScript", customOption: "Hello" },
{ id: "three", title: "Menu" }
.then(action => {
export interface MenuOptions {
title?: string; // IOS Only
message?: string; // IOS Only
view: View;
actions: object[] | string[];
cancelButtonText?: string; // IOS Only
Method | Description |
popup(options: MenuOptions): Promise<{id: number, title: string} | actionObject | boolean> | Create a pop-up menu and show it |
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/zeping891103/article/details/50737414 本节主要介绍Native UI API 中菜单栏的使用,菜单栏分为两类:一类是普通菜单栏,另一类是上下文菜单栏(右键弹出)。 (一)例子 <span style="font-size:14px;"><!DOCTYPE html
引入组件时页面上并没有出现组件的影子,其他元素正常,初步确定是组件引入部分语法出了问题,打开开发者工具看到控制台报出错误代码: Failed to resolve component: MyButton If this is a native custom element, make sure to exclude it from component resolution via compile
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