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授权协议 View license
开发语言 JavaScript TypeScript
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 朱睿
操作系统 iOS
适用人群 未知


This project is an Angular/Nativescript Web/Mobile poker client and Java/Spring websocket backend. Additionally, the persistence of data is provided by mysql.

I made a extensible protocol for organize the develop, the RFC of the protocol is in the wiki, please see this link:


In the past, I tried to start this project using php and simple html/javascript/jquery client, but for various reasons I never finished it. Now I started a new repo to continue this ambitious project, but this time using java and angular/Nativescript.

Don't worry, I put simple instructions for you to install all without know how to work these technologies.

This project is only for fun, and I will write the code in a long term and including spaces of times without commit.

Additionally, sorry for my bad english, I speak spanish and learn english only reading books/papers.





Table room



Full Size:


Scaled here: https://i.imgur.com/GLlGMiN.png



Command Line Interface ToolKit



Short term


  • Connect Room to protocol (Finished)
  • Finish details of design (Finished)
  • Fix 10 principal bugs (RC-1). (Finished)
  • Fix 10 secondary bugs (RC-2)
  • Polish the signup/login and Lobby.

Fine details (RC-3)

  • Reconnections. (Finished)
  • Splitted pots. (Finished)
  • Finish 0/71 TODOS/FIXMES in Backend.


  • Fix the list of bugs. (Finished)
  • Improve source code.
  • General Review.

Medium term


  • Turnaments. [v 0.2]
  • User statistics. [v 0.3]
  • Full account and follow list. [v 0.4]
  • Chat in the game. [Beta 1]
  • Reviews and bugfixes [Beta 2]
  • live broadcast [First Version 1.0-LTS]

Long term

Extended versions and tools

  • Mobile frontend.
  • Desktop frontend (with electronJS)
  • Servers Manager Tool (¿Based on RCP?)
  • Statistics
  • Train AI (Research purpose)


List of techs


  • Angular +6
  • Websocket
  • Stomp (for websocket routing)
  • Nativescript/Xplat.


  • Java with Spring Boot
  • Websockets and sockets (for inter-servers communication)
  • JWT for session handling
  • Mysql

Download the repo

git clone --recursive [URL from this repo]

if you already cloned this repo, you have to use submodule update:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Pulling repo:

git pull --recurse-submodule


For now I am centered on finish the web version only with Angular and Stomp.

The frontend use websockets to connect with the backend (see below).-

Build frontend:

first clone the repo, then once time use the next command to download dependencies. (This require you download https://nodejs.org/es/) we use version last.

You need Angular Cli (https://angular.io/guide/quickstart) and Nativescript with schematics, we resume the installations on this commands:

´npm install -g @angular/cli´

´npm install´

Comming soon?

´npm install -g nativescript´

´npm i -g @nativescript/schematics´

´tns update´

For build/run see the wiki.


The backend is splitted in five proyects, the ApiServer for web operations, for see the room servers, or login with your user, and some specific parts of the room protocol as Auth Challenge (See the protocol RFC for more details). The Orchestrator, in charge of register and organize room servers, The room servers for do the game (All tables are a server). Additionally have two projects, one for RFC Protocol DTOs (exchange), and another for Domain/Repository of persistence.

You need to start the Orchestrator, ApiServer and RoomServer (in order).

Build backend:

You need jdk (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html) and eclipse (we use oxygen 3).

For run the backend instructions and build/deploy this in a vps/dedicated server you see the wiki (i write the instructions, including adding this to a apache/nginx server).- Docker is all you need (when i release RC-1 add docker image to Dockerhub).


Thanks for reading and I hope this project are finished in one moment of the universe history.

Docker Container

Run mysql server:

docker run -d -p 3307:3306 --name mysql-db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=321654987 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=poker mysql

Docker getting started guide here: https://github.com/alexander171294/web-poker/wiki/Docker-Getting-Started

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  • 斗地主 此项目为测试NB在Websocket方面应用的练手项目,所以没有做严格的安全处理和功能测试,仅供参考和学习。 如果你想帮助完善,欢迎PR! 环境要求 Linux/MAC, PHP 7.0 +, PHP-Sqlite, Redis 安装 1.下载项目 git clone https://github.com/nbcx/poker.git cd ./poker/server git clone

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