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NativeScript plugin to expose Airbnb Lottie
授权协议 View license
开发语言 JavaScript TypeScript
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 燕翔飞
操作系统 iOS
适用人群 未知


NativeScript plugin to expose Airbnb Lottie for awesome animations.

Action Build


All notable changes to this project will be documented in the changelog.

Demo Screen

The .gif does not do the fluid animations justice


To install execute:

tns plugin add @nativescript-community/ui-lottie


NativeScript (Core)


    xmlns:Lottie="@nativescript-community/ui-lottie" navigatingTo="navigatingTo" class="page">
        <Lottie:LottieView src="PinJump.json" height="130" loop="true" autoPlay="true" loaded="yourLoadedEvent" />


import { LottieView } from "@nativescript-community/ui-lottie";

public yourLoadedEvent(args) {
    this._myLottie = args.object as LottieView; /// this is the instance of the LottieAnimationView

NativeScript Angular


    <LottieView width="100" height="150" [src]="src" [loop]="loop" [autoPlay]="autoPlay" (loaded)="lottieViewLoaded($event)">     </LottieView>


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { registerElement } from 'nativescript-angular';
import { LottieView } from '@nativescript-community/ui-lottie';

registerElement('LottieView', () => LottieView);

  templateUrl: 'home.component.html',
  moduleId: module.id
export class HomeComponent {
  public loop: boolean = true;
  public src: string;
  public autoPlay: boolean = true;
  public animations: Array<string>;

  private _lottieView: LottieView;

  constructor() {
    this.animations = [
    this.src = this.animations[0];

  lottieViewLoaded(event) {
    this._lottieView = <LottieView>event.object;

NativeScript Vue

Bootstrap (probably in app.js)

  () => require('@nativescript-community/ui-lottie').LottieView


    <Page class="page">
            <LottieView height="130" src="PinJump.json" :loop="true" :autoPlay="true" @loaded="lottieViewLoaded"></LottieView>

    export default {
        methods: {
            lottieViewLoaded(args) {
                this._lottieView = args.object;
        data() {
            return {
                _lottieView: null,


�� You can find animations in the sample-effects folder.


Place your animation files in the NS app's app/App_Resources/Android/src/main/assets folder.

Note: In a nativescript-vue project the above folder may not exist. Place the files in platforms/android/app/src/main/assets.


Place your animations files in your app/App_Resources/iOS/ folder.

Properties (bindable)

Property Type Default Description
autoPlay boolean false Start LottieView animation on load if true.
loop boolean false Loop continuously animation if true.
src string null Animation path to .json file.


Property Type Default Description
completionBlock (boolean) => void null Completion block to be executed upon completion of the animation. The animation is considered complete when it finishes playing and is no longer looping.
duration number null Get the duration of the animation.
progress number 0 Get/set the progress of the animation.
speed number 1 Get/set the speed of the animation.


Method Return Parameters Description
cancelAnimation void None Pauses the animation for the LottieView instance.
isAnimating boolean None Returns true if the LottieView is animating, else false.
playAnimation void None Plays the animation for the LottieView instance.
playAnimationFromProgressToProgress void startProgress, endProgress Plays the animation for the LottieView instance from the specified start and end progress values (between 0 and 1).
setColorValueDelegateForKeyPath void value, keyPath Sets the provided color value on each property that matches the specified keyPath in the LottieView instance.
setOpacityValueDelegateForKeyPath void value, keyPath Sets the provided opacity value (0 - 1) on each property that matches the specified keyPath in the LottieView instance.


Brad Martin Nathan Walker Jean-Baptiste Aniel HamdiWanis
bradmartin NathanWalker rhanb HamdiWanis
itstheceo itstheceo
itstheceo mudlabs
  • Lottie简介 官方文档:https://lottiefiles.com/ Lottie是一个库,可以解析使用AE制作的动画(需要用bodymovin导出为json格式),支持web、ios、android和react native。在web侧,lottie-web库可以解析导出的动画json文件,并将其以svg或者canvas的方式将动画绘制到我们页面中。 交互性非常好,动画支持倍速播放,倒放

  • 前几天airbnb开源了一个动画库lottie,地址是github.com/airbnb/lott… 是一个通过AE制作动画后通过插件bodymoving转换成json文件。在native或者react-native中直接播放动画的一个库。假若用app动画效果这方面需求,可以不用写任何关于动画相关的代码直接加入一个json文件就足够了 ##适用范围 以往动画往往的通过gif或者手写一长串代码才能实

  • 在vue中引入lottie非常非常简单 1.安装vue-lottie包 npm install --save vue-lottie 2.全局引入vue-lottie 在main.js引入并注册全局组件即可 import lottie from 'vue-lottie'; Vue.component('lottie', lottie) 当然也可以局部引入 3.引入你的lottie资源 // 第一步:

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