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A library for dynamic view-to-view transitions
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Kotlin
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 有睿
操作系统 Android
适用人群 未知


Transitioner provides easy, dynamic and adjustable animations between two views with nested children.

App design feature here.


First you need to create a Transitioner object containing your original and ending views:

val transition = Transitioner(original_view, ending_view)

The view pairs must have matching "tag" attributes so that they can be bound together:





I recommend you hide the second view layout, since it's only used as a placeholder for the end destination.The views can be of any type, you can mix and match them, the two layouts can have a different number of views and nested layouts are 100% supported. The only things to keep in mind are:

  • all views which you would want to match together must have the same tag attribute in both layouts

  • all unmatched views will remain at their original place inside the original layout

  • the second layout is just a placeholder. It doesn't hold any logic, it only shows where the original layout should move to.

Basic Usage


Additional methods and tweaks

transition.duration = 500

transition.interpolator = AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator()

transition.animateTo(percent = 0f)

transition.onProgressChanged {
//triggered on every progress change of the transition
    seekBar.progress = (it * 100).toInt()
val progress: Float = transition.currentProgress

Here is a preview of a simple application made using this library


This effect can be reproduced by placing the "Transitioner.setProgress(Float)" function inside a onTouch or a onProgressChanged method.



The recommended way to download is to copy the single library class file and use it in your application.


dependencies {
  compile 'bg.devlabs.transitioner:transitioner:<latest_version>'

Getting help

Dev Labs @devlabsbg

Radoslav Yankov @rado__yankov

Under MIT License.

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