A React Native module that can create scaled versions of local images (also supports the assets library on iOS).
react-native | react-native-image-resizer |
≤ 0.60 | 1.1.0 |
0.61 | 1.2.0 |
Install the package:
yarn add react-native-image-resizer
cd ios && pod install
yarn add react-native-image-resizer
react-native link react-native-image-resizer
Note: on latest versions of React Native, you may have an error during the Gradle build on Android (com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/v7/appcompat/R$anim
). Run cd android && ./gradlew clean
to fix this.
Manual link information for Android: Link
import ImageResizer from 'react-native-image-resizer';
ImageResizer.createResizedImage(path, maxWidth, maxHeight, compressFormat, quality, rotation, outputPath)
.then(response => {
// response.uri is the URI of the new image that can now be displayed, uploaded...
// response.path is the path of the new image
// response.name is the name of the new image with the extension
// response.size is the size of the new image
.catch(err => {
// Oops, something went wrong. Check that the filename is correct and
// inspect err to get more details.
A basic, sample app is available in the example
folder. It uses the module to resize a photo from the Camera Roll.
rotation = 0,
keepMeta = false,
options = {}
); // Returns a Promise
The promise resolves with an object containing: path
, uri
, name
, size
(bytes), width
(pixels), and height
of the new file. The URI can be used directly as the source
of an <Image>
Option | Description |
path | Path of image file, or a base64 encoded image string prefixed with 'data:image/imagetype' where imagetype is jpeg or png. |
width | Width to resize to (see mode for more details) |
height | Height to resize to (see mode for more details) |
compressFormat | Can be either JPEG, PNG or WEBP (android only). |
quality | A number between 0 and 100. Used for the JPEG compression. |
rotation | Rotation to apply to the image, in degrees, for android. On iOS, rotation is limited (and rounded) to multiples of 90 degrees. |
outputPath | The resized image path. If null, resized image will be stored in cache folder. To set outputPath make sure to add option for rotation too (if no rotation is needed, just set it to 0). |
keepMeta | If true , will attempt to preserve all file metadata/exif info, except the orientation value since the resizing also does rotation correction to the original image. Defaults to false , which means all metadata is lost. Note: This can only be true for JPEG images which are loaded from the file system (not Web). |
options.mode | Similar to react-native Image's resizeMode: either contain (the default), cover , or stretch . contain will fit the image within width and height , preserving its ratio. cover preserves the aspect ratio, and makes sure the image is at least width wide or height tall. stretch will resize the image to exactly width and height . |
options.onlyScaleDown | If true , will never enlarge the image, and will only make it smaller. |
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简介 由于随着项目业务的增加,导致包越来越大,大概有10M,每次发热更下载都比较久,而且会消耗较多的下载资源,在分析包内容的时候,发现图片占据了约80%的体积,因此提出优化图片的方案。 分析包内容 首先我们先看下包内容构成,以安卓包为例,如下所示 |-- dist 10MB |-- drawable-hdpi 8K |-- drawable-mdpi 8.2MB |-- dra
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