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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 温举
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Win Application Framework (WAF)

Successor of the WPF Application Framework

The Win Application Framework (WAF) is a lightweight Framework that helps you to create well-structured XAML Applications in WPF and UWP. It supports you in applying various architectural patterns:

How to get started?

  • WAF comes with realistic real-world sample applications. Please have a look at them. See Sample Applications below.
  • The Wiki provides further guidance.
  • The fastest way to create a WAF project is by using the WAF Visual Studio Project Template. Please update the WAF NuGet packages to the latest stable version after project creation.

Supported Platforms

  • *.Core (.NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.6.1): Support for all .NET based applications.
  • *.Wpf (.NET Core 3.1 and .NET Framework 4.6.1): Extended support for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).

NuGet Packages

Package Usage Successor of
System.Waf.Core For all .NET based applications
System.Waf.Wpf For WPF applications waf
System.Waf.UnitTesting.Core For unit testing of all .NET based applications
System.Waf.UnitTesting.Wpf For unit testing of WPF applications waf.testing



  • Foundation
    • Cache: Provides support for caching a value.
    • Model: Base class that implements INotifyPropertyChanged.
    • ObservableListViewCore: Provide change notifications for sorting and filtering.
    • SynchronizingCollectionCore: Represents a collection that synchronizes all its items with the items of the specified original collection.
    • ThrottledAction: Throttling of multiple method calls to improve the responsiveness of an application.
    • ValidatableModel: Base class for a model that supports validation by implementing INotifyDataErrorInfo.
    • WeakEvent: Supports listening to events via a weak reference. This can prevent memory leaks. See WeakEvent page for more details.
  • Applications
    • (Async)DelegateCommand: An implementation of ICommand that delegates Execute and CanExecute.
    • RecentFileList: Most recently used (MRU) file list.
    • ViewModelCore: ViewModel base class with a simple approach to set the DataContext.


  • Foundation
    • DataErrorInfoSupport: Helper class for working with the legacy IDataErrorInfo interface.
  • Applications
  • Presentation
    • DispatcherHelper: Implementation for DoEvents.
    • ResourceHelper: Helper methods to manage resources in WPF.
    • ValidationHelper: Support for data validation tracking.
    • Converters
      • BoolToVisibilityConverter: Converts a boolean value to and from a Visibility value.
      • InvertBooleanConverter: Inverts a boolean value.
      • NullToVisibilityConverter: Null condition to return the associated Visibility value.
      • StringFormatConverter: Converts an object into a formatted string.
      • ValidationErrorsConverter: Converts a ValidationError collection to a multi-line string error message.
    • Services
      • FileDialogService: Shows an open or save file dialog box.
      • MessageService: Shows messages via the MessageBox.


Sample Applications

Name Type Description Links
Waf NewsReader Xamarin
A simple and fast RSS and ATOM news feed reader.
  • Platforms: Android, UWP (Windows) and iOS
  • Architecture: Layering, MVVM, Async patterns
  • Sync feeds with multiple devices via MS Graph (OneDrive)
  • OAuth authentication
  • Responsive UI with Navigation pane
  • Validation (Add feed view)
  • Localized (English and German)
Waf Writer WPF A simplified word processing application.
  • Platforms: .NET Core 3.1 and .NET Framework 4.7.2
  • Architecture: Layering, MVVM
  • Ribbon & Tabbed MDI (Multiple Document Interface)
  • Animated transition between pages
  • Most recently used file list (MRU)
  • Message service, Open/Save dialog service
  • Print preview & Print dialog
  • Localized (English and German)
Waf Book Library WPF Supports the user to manage his books. Borrowed books can be tracked by this application.
  • Platforms: .NET Core 3.1 and .NET Framework 4.7.2
  • Architecture: Layering, Extensions, MVVM, DMVVM
  • Entity Framework with SQLite
  • Validation rules
  • Sort & Filter in the DataGrid
  • Reporting via WPF FlowDocument & Print support
Waf Information Manager WPF A modular application that comes with a fake email client and an address book.
  • Platforms: .NET Core 3.1 and .NET Framework 4.7.2
  • Architecture: Layering, Modularization, MVVM
  • Office format ZIP container shared with all modules (Package API and DataContractSerializer)
  • Validation rules
  • Extensible navigation view & context sensitive toolbar
  • Wizard dialog
Waf Music Manager WPF Fast application that makes fun to manage the local music collection.
WinRT, Media playback, File queries & properties, Async/await, Drag & Drop, ClickOnce
Waf DotNetPad WPF Code editor to program with C# or Visual Basic.
.NET Compiler Platform, Roslyn, AvalonEdit, Auto completion, Async/await, ClickOnce
Waf DotNetApiBrowser WPF Windows application for browsing the public API of .NET Assemblies and NuGet packages.
.NET Compiler Platform, Roslyn, AvalonEdit, NuGet, Async/await, Validation, ClickOnce
  • 本文向大家介绍WAF的正确bypass,包括了WAF的正确bypass的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文属i春秋的原创奖励计划,未经许可禁止转载! 前言 半年前的我,手握各种WAF的bypass,半年之后的我。就把思路分享出来了。别问我什么!问了我也不会告诉你,我是没事闲的!是不是好多人遇见WAF,就一阵头大呢~今天我就开车啦~大家快上车! 正文 测试环境 php:我使用的是 phpS

  • 我需要在我们的Web应用程序中使用LDAP/AD服务器实现SSO身份验证和验证用户。Web应用程序是使用Spring(Java)/Hibernate制作的,应用程序服务器是UAT中的Jboss和生产中的Webphere。 我正在寻找一些好的简单的解决方案,可以帮助我实现它,从几个朋友那里听说华夫饼是一个很好的解决方案,但是在网上搜索并尝试了几天之后,我不确定我是否朝着正确的方向前进。我在这方面很幼

  • 我已经在AWS EKS集群上部署了Ingress Nginx。入口控制器和服务作为组件部署。因此,为Ingress Nginx控制器提供了AWS网络负载平衡器 流量通过入口控制器终止的NLB和TLS。 我想做的是将AWS WAF与入口集成。AWS ALB有一种方法,但是否有方法集成上述配置的WAF?

  • WAF策略用于为Web应用提供集中式保护,使其免受常见攻击和漏洞的侵害。 WAF(Web Application Firewall)用于为Web应用提供集中式保护,使其免受常见攻击和漏洞的侵害。WAF可以有效识别Web业务流量的恶意特征,在对流量进行清洗和过滤后,将正常、安全的流量返回给服务器,避免网站服务器被恶意入侵导致服务器性能异常等问题,保障网站的业务安全和数据安全。 目前仅只读对接AWS、

  • 网防G01不仅仅具有市面上WAF产品具有的全部功能,而且具备防篡改、操作系统加固、系统补丁修复等功能。

  • 这个程序是基于 nginx lua module . 运行平台是 linux freebsd 的 nginx 。。 WIN 的 你可以用个 linux 的 nginx 做反向代理 保护后面的服务。 Belial 目前包含的模块有 : GET 、 POST 、 COOKIE SQL注入防御、文件上传控制、POST白名单审核、nginx路径解释防御、封IP、 自动拦截防御 cc防御。 防御面向的语言是

  • WAFPHP 项目的灵感来自于 SEnginx,由于在使用SEnginx的过程中发现有很多的不可控因素,而且对于小项目而言不希望因为开启某些功能而导致nginx负载过高影响其他核心项目,而且nginx的配置改动所需的权限远远高于PHP的代码改动,因此有了这个PHP级的Web应用防护框架。 作品简介 一个PHP级Web应用防护框架。 旨在提供一个与现有代码互不冲突干扰的PHP级Web应用防护框架,可

  • App-waf,一个简单的 waf 模块。 用来实时探测 web 非法访问,统计非法访问的 ip,web状态,访问 url,来源 web url。结合 iptables 可以实现实现实时封禁。 实例说明见 example 目录(包括日志) use App::Waf;my $filename = "example.acess";#日志文件my $numlines  = 50000; #要处理的行数,