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开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 杜鸿彩
操作系统 跨平台
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Gradle Advanced Build Version Plugin

A plugin to generate the Android version code and version name automatically based on git commits number, date and Semantic Versioning.

GitHub Workflow Status


  1. Installation
  2. How to use
  3. Version Name Configuration
  4. Version Code Configuration
  5. File output options


Add the advanced-build-version plugin to your build script and use the property advancedVersioning.versionName andadvancedVersioning.versionCode where you need:

buildscript {
  repositories {

  dependencies {
    classpath 'me.moallemi.gradle:advanced-build-version:1.7.3'

apply plugin: 'me.moallemi.advanced-build-version'

How to use

advancedVersioning {
  nameOptions { }
  codeOptions { }
  outputOptions { }

def appVersionName = advancedVersioning.versionName
def appVersionCode = advancedVersioning.versionCode

Version Name Configuration

You can customize version name in your build.gradle file as follows:

advancedVersioning {
  nameOptions {
    versionMajor 1
    versionMinor 3
    versionPatch 6
    versionBuild 8

the above configuration will output

there is no need to specify all params because they will be handled automatically. for example:

advancedVersioning {
  nameOptions {
    versionMajor 1
    versionBuild 8

will output and

advancedVersioning {
  nameOptions {
    versionMajor 1
    versionMinor 3

will output 1.3

Version Code Configuration

To customize version code in your build.gradle file write:


advancedVersioning {
  codeOptions {
    versionCodeType 'GIT_COMMIT_COUNT'


import me.moallemi.gradle.advancedbuildversion.gradleextensions.VersionCodeType.*

advancedVersioning {
  codeOptions {

versionCodeType can be one of following params:

  • GIT_COMMIT_COUNT will output total commits number in current branch
  • DATE formatted number e.g.: 1501101614
  • AUTO_INCREMENT_DATE will output 101101614
  • AUTO_INCREMENT_ONE_STEP will output e.g: 24
  • AUTO_INCREMENT_STEP will output e.g: 26

AUTO_INCREMENT_ONE_STEP and AUTO_INCREMENT_STEP store AI_VERSION_CODE in version.properties file in build.gradledirectory, you may also change dependsOnTasks property to specify that on witch tasks should increase version code(default is every task that contains 'release' in its name)

advancedVersioning {
  codeOptions {
    versionCodeType 'AUTO_INCREMENT_ONE_STEP'
    dependsOnTasks 'release' // defaultValue

Setting multiple tasks for dependsOnTasks property:

advancedVersioning {
  codeOptions {
    versionCodeType 'AUTO_INCREMENT_ONE_STEP'
    dependsOnTasks 'debug', 'release', 'assemble'

AUTO_INCREMENT_STEP allows you to set a step different from 1:

advancedVersioning {
  codeOptions {
    versionCodeType 'AUTO_INCREMENT_STEP'
    versionCodeStep 2

File output options

You can also rename the output generated apk file with this plugin. it can be done just by enablingthe renameOutput option:

advancedVersioning {
  outputOptions {
    renameOutput true

If your app name is MyApp with 2.7 version name, and you are in debug mode, the output apk file namewill be: MyApp-2.7-debug.apk

NOTE: Android Gradle Plugin 4.1.0 drops support for renaming apk. We are using a workaround to keep renaming option for gradle-advanced-build-version library.So if you are using AGP 4.1.0+, you have to add advancedVersioning.renameOutputApk() after android configuration. The order is important:

advancedVersioning {
  outputOptions {
    renameOutput true
android {

You can customize the output name by using this params:

  • ${appName}: name of main module
  • ${projectName}: name of root project
  • ${flavorName}: flavor name
  • ${buildType}: build type
  • ${versionName}: version name
  • ${versionCode}: version code


advancedVersioning {
  outputOptions {
    renameOutput true
    nameFormat '${appName}-${buildType}-${versionName}'


advancedVersioning {
  outputOptions {

And you can also use custom string in nameFormat like:


advancedVersioning {
  outputOptions {
    renameOutput true
    nameFormat '${appName}-google-play-${versionName}'


advancedVersioning {
  outputOptions {

If your app name is MyApp with 4.6.1 version name the output apk file name will be:MyApp-google-play-4.6.1.apk


Copyright 2020 Reza Moallemi.

Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this
file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License.
  • 1. 在build.gradle 中  buildConfigField  的参数有3个 第一个类型 第二个为名称 第三个是值 如果是字符串类型 请不要忘记 双引号! buildTypes { release { buildConfigField 'String','CUSTOMIZED_VERSION','"common"' }

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