This project provides a very simple starter application for working with web3j and the testEthereum network (testnet) known as Rinkeby.
The demo deploys a hello world smart contract which contains a greeting message. The currentgreeting message can be read and modified in the smart contract.
In order to run this demo, three pieces of information are required:
Once these details have been added to the main Application class, you'll be good to go.
This application demonstrates a number of core features of web3j and Ethereum:
This application has purposefully been kept as simple as possible with the aim of demonstratinghow to deploy and work with a smart contract on the decentralised Ethereum network.
If you require further background information about the above configuration items for the projectyou can refer to the below.
For a more comprehensive overview, I recommend you read theJava Magazine Article, watchtheYouTube talk, and read all of thedocumentation.
The contained smart contract is based on theGreeter contract example, with the addition that the valuestored in the Greeter can be modified.
The associated Java smart contract wrapper is named Greeter.
For more background on smart contracts, refer to thesmart contracts section of the docs.
If you don't want to sign up to Infura, and would like to run a node yourself, there areinstructions in the getting startedsection of the docs.
For more information on the different Ethereum test networks (or testnets), referto thetestnet overview in the docs.
For background on Ether, refer to the transactionsoverview section of the docs.
For a more technical overview of working with wallet files, refer to theOffline transaction signingsection of the docs.
A logback configuration is included in the project dependencies allowing the logging of protocolmessages if required. To enable, simply change the following line in the logback configurationto read:
<logger name="org.web3j.protocol" level="DEBUG"/>
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