Join the Fediverse!
A new kind of social media and content management platform. Connect to the Fediverse with unique and powerful features like wikis, blogging, document collaboration, conversation threads, encrypted secure messaging, video/audio recording & sharing, file sharing, a podcatcher, and much more.
Create hierarchically organized content that's always editable like a wiki and shared on the Fediverse and/or IPFS. Quanta is a new kind of platform with a new kind of architecture where you always have complete control of your own data.
Designed to allow a more fine-grained hierarchical approach to content management, collaborative documents, wikis, and micro-blogs, Quanta "quantizes" each piece of content as tree nodes. These nodes are the main elements of the app, similar to Facebook Posts or Twitter Tweets. Quanta has a unique and more powerful design, allowing content to be organized into larger structures of information, to create arbitrary data structures representing documents, wikis, web pages, blogs, etc.
Social Media Platform, Decentralized, Fediverse, IPFS, ActivityPub, Web3.0, Mastodon/Pleroma, IPFS, MongoDB, docker compose, Java, TypesScript, ReactJS, HTML+SCSS, SpringBoot, Podcasting, RSS, Encrpytion, E2E Encryption, Secure Messaging, Blogging Platform, Wikis, Corporate Collaboration, Full-Text search, Lucene