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A scalable cloud computing blockchain platform
授权协议 MIT License
所属分类 Web3、 区块链
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 洪彬
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

AElf - A Decentralized Cloud Computing Blockchain Network


Welcome to AElf's official GitHub repo !

AElf is a blockchain system aiming to achieve scalability and extensibility through the use of side-chains and a flexible design. To support multiple use cases AElf makes it as easy as possible to extend/customize the system by providing easy to use tools and frameworks in order to customize the chains and write smart contracts. AElf will eventually support various languages that will let developers choose the one they are the most comfortable with.

For more information you can follow these links:

This repository contains the code that runs an AElf node, you'll find bellow other important repositories in the AElfecosystem:

TOOL/LIBRARY description
aelf-sdk.js Javascript development kit for interacting with an AElf node, useful for dApp developers.
aelf-command CLI tool for interacting with an AElf node and wallet.
aelf-boilerplate framework for smart contract and dApp development.

Getting Started

This repository

This repo is where you will find the code that can use to run an AElf node. It also contains a tests folder that centralizes all the unit tests.


We strongly recommend you follow official documentation that will guide you through installing dependencies and running the node,these two guides will get you started:


If you have a reasonable understanding of blockchain technology and at least some notions of C# you can of course contribute. We also appreciate other types of contributions such as documentation improvements or even correcting typos in the code if you spot any.

We expect every contributor to be respectful and constructive so that everyone has a positive experience, you can find out more in our code of conduct.

Reporting an issue

We currently only use GitHub for tracking issues, feature request and pull requests. If you're not familiar with these tools have a look at the GitHub documentation.

Bug report

If you think you have found a bug in our system feel free to open a GitHub issue, but first:

  • check with GitHub's search engine that the bug doesn't already exist.
  • in the request give as much information as possible such as: the OS, the version of AElf, how to reproduce...

Missing feature

We also use the GitHub issue tracker for features. If you think that some piece of functionality is missing in AElf, you can open an issue with the following in mind:

  • check for similare feature requests already open.
  • provide as much detail and context as possible.
  • be as convincing as possible as to why we need this feature and how everybody can benefit from it.

Pull request

For any non trivial modification of the code, the pull requests should be associated with an issue that was previously discussed. During the time you implement and are not yet ready for review, prefix the PR's title with [WIP] and also don't forget to do the following:

  • add a description in the pull request saying which issue you are fixing/implementing.
  • be as explicit as possible about the changes in the description.
  • add the tests corresponding to your modifications.
  • pull requests should be made against the dev branch.

When you are ready for a review by the core team, just remove [WIP] from your PR's title and others will review. This will either lead to a discussion or to a refactor of the code. The Travis CI system makes sure that every pull request is built for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and that unit tests are run automatically. The CI passing is a pre-condition for the PR to be merged as well as the approval from the core team.


We use Semantic Versioning (SemVer) for versioning, if you're intereted in closely following AElf's developement please check out the SemVer docs.


AElf is licenced under MIT

  • 第一个AElf智能合约 如果AElf脚手架项目能够正常启动并使用单节点产生区块,现在就可以着手做第一个智能合约了:Hello World。 开发AElf智能合约只需要简单的C#语法,并且这些语法都可以通过教程中展示的Demo清晰展示,具备任何编程经验的读者应当都可以在了解基本开发流程之后上手开发智能合约。 现在我们从创建智能合约项目和对应的测试项目开始吧。 假设现在我们手上有一个还没有创建任何智能

  • 区块链系统共识:去中心化的共识 本质上,区块链系统是一个分布式系统,但是与普遍的分布式系统不同。普遍的分布式系统,其意义在于:面对增长的业务量,用多台机器承载垂直拆分或水平拆分后的业务场景,增大系统容量;根据业务的关键程度,消除单点故障,加强系统可用性。当一个区块链系统承担的业务场景复杂如普遍的分布式系统时,当然也需要做如上的考虑。但是区块链系统之所以应当被人重视,是因为它能够解决存在作恶节点情况

  • AEDPoS共识 这AElf主链采用DPoS共识,而为了区别于其他DPoS共识机制,命名为AEDPoS共识机制 一、AEDPoS共识简介? AEDPOS该共识相较于PoW和PoS机制,少了哈希碰撞的环节,多了几个其他环节: 选举,持币人需要能够对自己信赖的节点进行投票; 生产节点的调度,即这些被选举出来的生产节点按如何的次序进行出块,以及这种次序是怎么决定的; 换届,由于被选举出来的区块生产节点的

  • aelf奖励活动的Demo开发过程 aelf是一个多链条结构,每个Dapps应用和智能合约使用自己的链条,当很多应用同时进行时,大家都不需要共享资源。同时也是因为有自己的侧链,你可以做很多自定义化,甚至不同的链条使用不同的共识机制,POS、POW、PBFT你想怎么玩就怎么玩。 在自治管理这一块儿,主链条使用DPOS共识机制,所有代币持有者可以投票选择委任代表。对于重大系统更新,社区可以投票改进,这

  • aelf是一个可扩展的去中心化云计算区块链平台,支持高性能合约并行执行、原生多链数据交互、存储使用高性能分布式数据库。 aelf整个系统可以在windows、osx及linux运行,团队在osx环境下开发,基于.net core    DAPP开发   1.安装.net core及protobuf https://docs.aelf.io/v/dev/getting-started/before

  • 最近开始了解AELF这个开源的项目,感觉还不错,这个项目是关于云计算区块链网络的。虽然区块链真的很多坑,但是只能说是狂热的梦想暴富的人太多了。所以现在对任何一个项目只从开发体验和源码质量来把握。先看官方的宣传AELF通过跨链技术,一链一合约打造区块链里的“Linux”,解决现在的区块链扩展性差,没有为不同的智能合约划分不同的资源,没有可以接纳新技术的共识机制等问题。这个名头倒是挺响亮的,只是我想说