Piggies is a package to automatically manage your cryptocurrency hot wallets using Python.
It works by launching the wallets using pexpect
, and communicating with them via RPC.
The requirement to be automatic:
I'm doing this because some people (including myself) still want automatic wallets (i.e. for their exchange websites accepting coins and withdrawals); however:
Hence this tool to help you live in the plumbing age of crypto :)
Piggies is available on PyPI. You can install it via:
pip3 install piggies
or via:
python3 -m pip install piggies
This is a basic demo for Ethereum: it starts /usr/bin/parity
on the configured datastore_path
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging
from piggies import PiggyETH
logger = logging.getLogger('piggy_logs')
def main():
piggy = PiggyETH(
print("Balance:", piggy.get_balance())
print("Suggested miner fee:", piggy.suggest_miner_fee())
if __name__ == '__main__':
For a more advanced demo, including MasterPiggy
, check out demo.py
I wanted a consistent way to use various cryptocurrencies. The supported operations are:
The operations are available for both MasterPiggy
and for the wallets individually (PiggyBTC
, PiggyETH
For Bitcoin, I decided to use Electrum instead of the official Bitcoin client. This is because of two reasons:
Monero is supported via its official client (requires you to sync the blockchain).Note: In case something goes wrong when executing commands, and the calls hang or timeout, check the following:
I support Ethereum via Parity, due to its flexibility with blockchain options.
Once gas estimation works in the light client, we will use it. But right now the light client is experimental, and that specific query didn't seem to work for me on the main Ethereum network.
We also send the log to the datastore directory for ETH.
We don't check wallet version compatibility here, because this is handled by Web3.py so well that you can even use different clients.
The connection to Parity is via IPC, not HTTP, so we use whatever node is running on the datastore_path
, and there is no need for further settings (ports and such). It is also somewhat more secure.
For transactions_since
, we use an external service due to it being impractical to do. This has some caveats (see the docs for ETH transactions_since
). In the future, we might integrate QuickBlocks to avoid these caveats.
I might support Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, ZCash and other distributed currencies, but I don't know for sure.I consider Ripple and Stellar too centralized, however will review PRs for them or any other currency, if you want to support them yourself.
To perform tests, run ./setup.py test
All feedback is welcome.
I especially welcome any ideas/problems about security, or about how to do testing.If you can think of a way for using Hypothesis here, that would be excellent!
To disclose something privately (i.e, security vulnerabilities), send me an e-mail at danuthaiduc (monkeytail) gmail (period) com
Feel free to use GitHub issues, or even open a pull request, for non-security issues!
PC 版下载地址: http://cloud.rovio.com/install/pc/update/BadPiggies/ 补丁下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=337112&uk=2114195841 补丁解压缩后覆盖到 安装目录\BadPiggies_Data\Managed 。 附 IL 修改: *** o.il.bak Thu N