I only accept cryptocurrency (I prefer sending to my Nano address, for many reasons listed below)
If you want more flexiblity use CoinStation (coming soon)
If you want to use $$ from many other payment methods not accepted below, go here (only for Bitcoin sry),
If you want to use a credit/debit/prepaid card (or even a bank account in some cases), look here for the one that suits you
I prefer using Nano, here's why...
It helps cover things like server costs, keeps me out of bankruptcy, and more!
方案1 <form target="_blank" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="xxx@gmail.com"> <in
Will You Donate Your Body? Many people would like to choose to donate their body after they died; they think they can help the patient who needs to replace organs so that t
被黑客攻击。 缓解办法 断网,病毒程序还在运行但是cpu占用很低,没有网络它干不了啥 ssh免密的机器都中毒了 找出程序 top 此病毒占满cpu ps -ef|grep xr 杀掉进程 kill -9 pid 删除文件夹 rm -rf /.Xll 光这样不行,过一会儿病毒又开始了 断网 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens192 删掉或者