Lionshare is a simple macOS application that helps you track cryptocurrencies andyour portfolio. Build using Electron, React and Mobx.
For the API and other parts of the Lionshare herd, checkout our Github pageor get in touch with us on Twitter.
Special thanks to Coinbase for sponsoring the release of Lionshare as open source software. If you’re interested in building products to reinvent the future of finance, get in touch.
Electron specific code, including application configuration and Webpack build files,can be found under desktop/
. All React application code is stored inside src/
To install for development, clone the repository and install the dependencies with yarn
$ git clone
$ cd lionshare-desktop
$ yarn
To run development application and Webpack server:
yarn run dev
Lionshare is an open source project created by Ben Jennings, Jori Lallo and Maksim Stepanenko.
Lionshare is an open source side project. To support development and keep our server running, you can donate using Bitcoin and Ethereum:
When will Lionshare support < your favorite coin >?
Right now we're supporting coins with the most market cap listed on GDAX and Poloniex. If we're not yet supporting your favorite coin, please create an issue to lionshare-api repository or upvote an existing one
Does my portfolio leave my computer?
No, Lionshare is completely client-side and doesn't hold any keys. We take security very seriously and all our communication happens over HTTPS. All code is open source.
How will you make money?
We won't, this is a side project.
When can I have a Linux, Windows, iOS, etc version?
Right now we're focused on supporting macOS but open to adding support for other platforms in the future. API that powers Lionshare by providing both historical (REST)and realtime time (websocket) cryptocurrency market data. The data is sourcedfrom GDAX, Poloniex, andCoinmarketcap. B
问题内容: JavaFX 现在已经面世,并且有望与JavaFX一起改进Swing。丑陋的默认UI的日子已经一去不复返了,最终我们可以创建在质量方面可以与 Flash,Air和Silverlight 相媲美的引人入胜的应用程序。 这是否意味着从1990年代开始失败的 Java Applet 已经死了,不值得回头? 与 Java Desktop 相同:什么将促使我们Java开发人员使用它而不是Java
问题内容: libGDX应用程序必须实现.resize(int width,int height)方法,因此我认为调整libGDX应用程序的大小并不重要,但是我发现没有办法制作实际的应用程序JFrame或与JFrame一样可拖动的东西。 setResizable(true)。libGDX根本不可能吗? 问题答案: 如果您将gdx-backend-lwjgl用于桌面应用程序,则可以使用: 使用来自S
问题内容: 我正在设计和构建桌面应用程序。我正在考虑使用eclipse或netbeans作为此应用程序的基础。但是,我从未在这两个平台上构建过。我个人倾向于使用netbeans,因为它像该平台一样容易学习。但是,我想问一下实际上已经在这些平台上构建的人员,在此之前哪个更易于使用? 我对easyr的个人定义如下: 易于上手 一致的逻辑API 好的文档 易于构建和部署 非常感谢, 乔希 问题答案: 关
最小复制的确切步骤: 从AMI创建EC2实例(这是Canonical的Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS(HVM),SSD卷类型) ssh进入框并运行两个命令: 填写名称/说明,但确保不要勾选“不重新启动” null 创建新实例,它不通过可达性检查,并且在尝试ssh时超时。 从AMI启动的实例中的系统日志显示: 因此,格式化使其不可读,但有趣的是不是
问题内容: 我的程序需要一个环境变量作为其参数之一的一部分: 但是,如果我将其放入.desktop文件的exec行中,它将无法正常工作: $ HOME似乎什么也没解决。 问题答案: 默认情况下,似乎并非所有实现都解析环境变量,但是您可以改为执行exec sh,它将解析传递的环境变量。请注意,桌面规范还要求您使用反斜杠转义=和$字符。所以你要: 有关需要转义的字符的完整列表,请参见规范