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Resources for trading Bitcoin and Altcoins
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开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web3、 开源货币/比特币
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 西门鹏程
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Resources For Those Trading Bitcoin / Altcoins


Use these links to jump to section

Crypto Derivatives

Deribit Futures & Options Platform
LedgerX Regulated (USA) Options & Spot Platform

Data Sources

CoinCap Price, Market Cap', VWAP ...
CoinMarketCap Price, Market Cap', API ...
Coin Gecko Metrics inc. 'Price', 'Public Interest', 'Developer Rating', 'Community Score'
Bit Nodes Info-graphic / Global Map Showing Bitcoin Node Locations
Trade Block Graphical with Market Depth, Order book and Exchange Prices
Trading View Interactive Chart and News Feed
alt19 Interactive Spreadsheet for ALTcoins
sifrDATA Data Analysis, inc. Correlation, Sharpe Ratio ...
Bitcoin Analytics OrderBook Volume Graphics amongst other data
BlockChair Nice Graphics - Blockchain related
BitInfoCharts Data, inc. Mean Transaction Value for each Crypto
bfxData Margin Trading Metrics, inc. "Open Interest", Lending Rate ...

Crypto Events and ICO Updates

Crypto-Calendar Crypto-Calendar WIKI (with validation scores)
ICO calendar ICO Calendar
ICOstats ICO Performance Tracking
Bitcoin Markets-Reddit Reddit Forum

Blogs and Forums

blockxchain How tos ... Roughly Monthly
BitMEX Interesting insights and humour from Bitcoin Derivatives Exchange
AltCoinAnalytics Weekly PDF report, inc. Twitter Sentiment

Block Explorers

Bitcoin Explorer Bitcoin & ALTcoins
Block Explorer Oldest?
So Chain Doge, Dash BTC, LTC
Wallet Explorer * Includes 'Top Wallet' List


Kraken Medium selection of Alts
YoBit Unknown
Bitcoin Co thailand Unknown
Bitfinex Unknown
Poloniex Most Altcoins available
BTC38 Unknown Chinese Altcoin Exchange
Bitstamp London Based
Bittrex Become Popular in 2017 (reliability)
OKcoin Unknown Chinese Exchange
Quoine Offices in Japan, Singapore and Vietnam
Vaultoro Buy Gold With Bitcoin
CEX.io London Based
HitBTC Unknown
Quadrigacx Canada Based
BTCC Hong Kong Based
ShapeShift Not an exchange
Bithumb Number 1. Korean Exchange


Trezor Good Support
Ledger Ark, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Doge, ETH, ETC, Litecoin, Ripple, Stratis, Zcash
Keep Key Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Namecoin, Testnet, Ethereum, and Dash
CryptoSteel Solid Metal 'Paper Wallet'


BlackBird Bot OpenSource C++ bot
Haas Online Bot Pay For - Bot Service
Dallas Fed Research paper Study into Viability of Bitcoin Arbitrage

Further Reading

Ancient Japanese Candlestick Techniques Everything You Could Ever Desire to Forget About Technical Analysis
Quant Finance How Tos in Quantitative Analysis and Pricing
Jesse Livermore Cool Story, Gambling The Big Bags
Market Wizards Highly Recommended for Anyone Participating in the Markets
The Internet of Money Impassioned Arguments How Bitcoin Will Change The World
Pit Bull For Traders
The Zurich Axioms Personal Finance
Richest Man in Babylon Life
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  • Overview 因为Java的Crypto API始终有点难用,SpringSide在core module中的org.springside.modules.security.utils中提供了封装。 API的出入参数都是byte[]数组,需要配合Encodes来转换成Hex或Base64存储。 Digests消息摘要 去年一轮的密码被盗风波后,使用salt并迭代N次的sha-1式密码存储已经是

  • The crypto component hosts all the implementations of cryptographic primitives we use in Libra: hashing, signing, and key derivation/generation. The NextGen directory contains implementations of crypt

  • crypto 跟加密相关的一些功能,包括安全验证等。

  • crypto 包括 attr、ecdsa、utils 子包。 attr:chaincode 属性检查校验; ecdsa:ecdsa 加密算法接口,一些 hash 和签名校验方法。 utils:提供 aes、ecdsa、x509 等方法。

  • crypto模块的目的是为了提供通用的加密和哈希算法。用纯JavaScript代码实现这些功能不是不可能,但速度会非常慢。Nodejs用C/C++实现这些算法后,通过cypto这个模块暴露为JavaScript接口,这样用起来方便,运行速度也快。 MD5和SHA1 MD5是一种常用的哈希算法,用于给任意数据一个“签名”。这个签名通常用一个十六进制的字符串表示: const crypto = req

  • import "crypto" crypto包搜集了常用的密码(算法)常量。 type PublicKey type PublicKey interface{} 代表一个使用未指定算法的公钥。 type PrivateKey type PrivateKey interface{} 代表一个使用未指定算法的私钥。 type Hash type Hash uint Hash用来识别/标识另一个包里实现

  • Crypto++ 是一个 C++ 的加密处理库,支持如下算法: algorithm type name authenticated encryption schemes GCM, CCM, EAX high speed stream ciphers Panama, Sosemanuk, Salsa20, XSalsa20 AES and AES candidates AES (Rijndael),

  • Swift Crypto 衍生自 Apple CryptoKit 加密框架,是一个跨平台加密解决方案,可用于 Swift 支持的所有平台。 Crypto 将 Apple CryptoKit 优秀的 API 带到了受众更广的 Swift 社区,无论应用部署在哪个平台上,Swift 开发者都可以访问这些 API,以进行通用的加密操作。也就意味着,在所有平台上 Swift 开发者可以轻松通过以下代码获取