Support only for Ubuntu on Docker for now. Mac appears to not be working.
A go package for working with headless Chrome. Run interactive JavaScript commands on pages with go and Chrome without a GUI. Includes a few helpful functions out of the box to query and click selector paths by their classes, divs, or html content.
You could use this package to click buttons and scrape content on/from a website as if you were a browser, or to render pages that wouldn't be supported by other things like phantomjs or casperjs. Especially useful for sites that use EmberJS, where the content is rendered by javascript after the HTML payload is delivered.
An example project that does some simple things with a Makefile
and Dockerfile
is in the examples directory.
go get
To run Chrome headless with docker, check out examples/docker/main.go
as well as examples/docker/Makefile
. When in that directory, you can do make test
to build and run the container with the example app inside. You will see the source of displayed at the end of the build and run.
By default, we startup with the bare minimum flags necessary to start headless chrome and open a javascript console. If you want more flags, like a resolution size, or a custom User-Agent, you can specify it by replacing the Args
variable. Just be sure to append to it so you don't kill the default flags...
headlessChrome.Args = append(headlessChrome.Args,"--user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36")
headlessChrome.Args = append(headlessChrome.Args,"--window-size=1024,768")
Change the path to Chrome by simply setting the headlessChrome.ChromePath
headlessChrome.ChromePath = `/opt/google/chrome-unstable/chrome`
Find the full list in the docs.
// click some span element from the page by its text content
browser.ClickItemWithInnerHTML("span", "Google Search",0)
// select the content of something by its css classes
browser.GetContentOfItemWithClasses("button arrow bold",0)
time.Sleep(time.Second) // give it a second to query
// read the selected stuff from the console by picking
// the next item from the output channel
Please send pull requests! It would be good to have support for more operating systems or more handy helpers to run more commonly used javascript code easily. Adding support for other operating systems should be as simple as checking the platform type and changing the ChromePath
variable's default value.
最近在研究如何可以使用cmd操控Chrome,突然发现这个无头浏览器可以使用CLI Modes进行操控,这让我突然回想起来之前项目上的一个事情,也是和最近的两会有关。 在2020年夏季的时候我还在上海,因为这时候全国需要开一次很重要的会议(具体什么名字不知道了)。当时和某地动乱等因素的影响,公司某部门要在重保期间出台了一个临时管理办法,在重保期间如果发现集团网站被某
Headless Chrome 什么是 Headless Chrome? 在 Chrome59 中开始搭载 Headless Chrome。这是一种在无需显示 headless 的环境下运行 Chrome 浏览器的方式。从本质上来说,就是不用 Chrome 浏览器来运行 Chrome 的功能!它将 Chromium 和 Blink 渲染引擎提供的所有现代 Web 平台的功能都带入了命令行。 int
前言 公司的爬虫项目使用了selenium+phantomjs,这个做过爬虫的应该都用过,但是缺点也很明显,慢,占用资源等,本身还有很多小坑就不一一列举了 后来无意中发现了headless, 参考这篇文章: 经过安装测试,效果确实比phantomjs好很多,目前已有的资料都是使用
python爬虫写起来非常快,虽然也可以用java,但是没有python来的简洁迅速 selenium在前面总结过,是一个自动化测试库。headless chrome是无界面的浏览器模式,和PHANTOMJS类似。但是PHANTOMJS往往会出现莫名的错误,而且速度没有headless chrome快 from
Headless Chrome and regular Chrome have the same capabilities, and running them with Selenium is a very similar process. The difference is that Headless Chrome does not generate any sort of user inter
#!/usr/bin/python from selenium import webdriver from import Options import time url = "" chrome_options = Options() chrome_options.add_argume
原因:linux服务器不支持中文字体 解决办法:将windows上的中文字体库复制到linux上 或者把macos上的字体拷贝到linux上。 windows操作:(这部分是在第一篇参考文档上找的) 1.在win10中,将C:\Windows\Fonts上的字体文件(ttc/ttf)复制并打包成压缩文件,可选择自己需要的字体 2.将fonts.zip上传到linux服务器/u
如何使用Headless Chrome Headless模式是Chrome 59中的新特征。 要使用Chrome需要安装chromedriver。 from selenium import webdriver from import Options chrome_options = Options() chrome_option
使用 Headless Chrome 进行页面渲染 - 知乎专栏 使用 Headless Chrome 进行页面渲染 - 知乎专栏 posted on 2017-06-27 16:13 lexus 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏 转载于: