A Google Firebase Firestore backup tool.
Read more about how to use it here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/manage-data/export-import
Install using npm.
npm install -g firestore-backup
or yarn
yarn global add firestore-backup
Alternatively download the source.
git clone https://github.com/steadyequipment/node-firestore-backup.git
This downloaded json file contains the proper credentials needed for firestore-backup to authenticate.
, --accountCredentials
- Google Cloud account credentials JSON file.-B
, --backupPath
- Path to store the backup.Example:
firestore-backup --accountCredentials path/to/credentials/file.json --backupPath /backups/myDatabase
, --prettyPrint
- JSON backups done with pretty-printing.Example:
firestore-backup --accountCredentials path/to/credentials/file.json --backupPath /backups/myDatabase --prettyPrint
, --databaseStartPath
- The database collection or document path to begin backup.Example:
firestore-backup --accountCredentials path/to/credentials/file.json --backupPath /backups/myDatabase --databaseStartPath /myCollection/document_3
, --requestCountLimit
- The maximum number of requests to be made in parallel.Example:
firestore-backup --accountCredentials path/to/credentials/file.json --backupPath /backups/myDatabase --requestCountLimit 2
, --excludeCollections
- Top level collection id(s) to exclude from backing up.Note: because of how the command line parsing library works multiple collection ids must be specified as separate parameters.
firestore-backup --accountCredentials path/to/credentials/file.json --backupPath /backups/myDatabase --excludeCollections myFirstAnnoyingCollection --excludeCollections mySecondAnnoyingCollection
- Patterns to match against paths to exclude from the backup. All subpaths of matched paths will also be excluded.These patterns can support excluding several different sections of trees, e.g.:
Note: when combining excludePattern with databaseStartPath, the patterns are tested against the full path of the document off the root of database (with a leading slash).
Note: because of how the command line parsing library works multiple exclude patterns must be specified as separate parameters.
firestore-backup --accountCredentials path/to/credentials/file.json --backupPath /backups/myDatabase --excludePattern '^/collectionToIgnore' --excludePattern '^/[^/]*/[^/]*/subcollectionToIgnore'
- The maximum number of documents to fetch in a single request.Example:
firestore-backup --accountCredentials path/to/credentials/file.json --backupPath /backups/myDatabase --batchSize 25
That's it!
This project has been made much better by it's contributors, feel free to report bugs and make feature requests in the Issue Tracker, fork and create pull requests!
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